Kamaehuakanaloa SeedVault took about 2 hours to backup my data on my Pixel Pro 6 and about 2 hours to restore it to my new Pixel Pro 7. Most app settings came over correctly. I was a bit surprised to see that my contacts in the native Contacts app did not, but this was easily remediated by backing them up on the Pro 6 and importing them to the Pro 7. Pin scrambling setting did not transfer, and a few others I will detail below, but I have what appears to be a fully functional Pixel Pro 7 running GrapheneOS, and got my first OS update this morning. Wifi, bluetooth and LTE (Verizon) all work as expected, although neither the Wifi or bluetooth settings were automatically transferred. Maybe this is by design, but I am just speculating.
Many thanks to the GrapheneOS Dev Team for their incredible work. I will take the necessary steps to become a regular contributor so that I can do my part in insuring y'all have the necessary financial resources to continue your work. If anyone knows if this can be done via crypto, can you please point me in the right direction.