I ran into the same issue. I love smartwatches. I have a Google Pixel 2 smartwatch and am able to load my debit card to my Pixel 2 and it is synced to my phone. So, since the watch's OS wasn't modified, it will load. I use the NFC on the watch. This works for my use case.
Wallet - Google Pay
Can this be helpful in some ways?
HostFat Technically, GrapheneOS could do the same thing or similar, but they decided against it for many good reasons. See this comment in the issue tracker:
I contacted google to let them know about this limitation that we (GOS users) experience and they replied with intention to know more about that. I will give them more details. Who knows, maybe they are willing to make it work, maybe they just didn't know about the problem...
I'm not sure if useful, maybe it requires root.
If someone wants to try...
I just switched to LineageOS 20 and was able to launch Google Pay using SafetyNet Fix 2.4.0 and MagiskHide Props Config (I had to reinstall version 7.0.1 so You can use 6.1.2) - You need it to change your phone fingerprint and force Basic Atestation.
Then add Google Play Store and Google Wallet to DenyList, clean it's data (and Gogle Service Framework) and it all works like a charm.
Ping me in case od any questions.
- Edited
flawedworld I've installed graphene os on my pixel 8a, granted all the permissions mentioned but I still get the error from the first poster when adding a card and no card can be added at all. I don't need to use nfc - is it still possible to use google pay without nfc on graphene os? Thanks
edwin-jones Just for clarity for anybody else following this thread you can use google pay inside other apps to buy things just fine. It's nfc payment or adding cards to google wallet itself that doesn't work. My mistake, I wish google didn't make this so confusing.
For some reason I can't add cards to Wallet anymore. Verification window (when you enter card details and billing address) just closes when I press "Continue" button and returns back to "Add a payment method". It worked for me a month ago before I reset my watch. I'm not concerned about NFC payments; I simply want the Wallet feature to function properly on my WearOS device.
Technical details:
- GrapheneOS 2024071600
- Google Pixel 8 Pro
- Google Play Services 24.26.13
- GmsCompatConfig: 124
Play Services permissions:
- Nearby dfevices
- Network
- Notifications
- Phone
Phone number verification is enabled in Google settings (Even RCS in Google iMessages work as expected)
USECASE: adding boarding passes
My ISSUE: Google Wallet would crash and say there was an issue selecting my identity.
My FIX (too broad, needs more precise testing): allow Google Play Services access to "Calls", "Music & Audio" & "Photos & Videos, always allow all".
Did they ever get back to you on this?
I really am on a knifes edge to go back from based to normie. Just because Google pay not working is causing issues.
keatonhj I am also fighting the urge to revert back to stock... On top of Google Pay, my health insurance App is now not possible to install from Google Store.
Curve, for UK residents, offers a free plan that only allows up to 3 cards. Thereafter they demand ridiculous monthly fees in excess of £5.98 depending on the plan chosen.
No bank account is worth a monthly fee, as they already get a percentage back from the retailer. I refuse to pay to be able to access or use my money - looks like curve pay won't work on pixels.
So, which banks in the EU have a NFC payment app that work with GOS? And I mean with a merchant that uses a normal Visa/Mastercard terminal, not on a separate network. Is there a list somewhere? This looks like a natural/common question to ask, but I cannot find any clear answers.
edwin-jones It's my suspicion that Curve Pay will soon open up for all android users. Apple have announced that they will open up their NFC reader for other payments apps from iOS 18.1 and Curve have announced that they will launch Curve Pay for iOS soon. Logic would suggest that they'd also want to bring this option to android for feature parity. Just a suspicion, but could be great for GrapheneOS users if so.
honestly, for the sake of our privacy now and in the future, we should all be using cash as much as possible anyways
[deleted] That doesn't work for everyone's security model & work flow ....
Kras I really hope so but right not I'm trying the app with no luck, it doesn't work.