danijelcamdzic You're on the previous 2025030800 release, not the current 2025030900 release in the Alpha channel at the time and now also the Beta channel.

LamaSinge LamaSinge It's not supposed to be centered and matches the way it works on the stock Pixel OS now. It didn't match it before. The clock moves around based on the content that's displayed and also to avoid burn-in.

So this is an AOSP QPR2 feature? Because it was exactly like the stock bone before that. Sorry to have disturbed for a non-problem

    LamaSinge We adopted these changes later than the stock Pixel OS, which shipped them in Android 15 QPR1. The layout for this release essentially matches the current stock Pixel OS.

    This might be the biggest nitpick ever but will the terminal app be getting a monochrome icon?

      Does this only apply in owner profile ? As im not ablr to see in other peofiles And i can confirm it only runs without a VPN connection

      nesakysiu1 We could give it a new icon later but it's also not only going to be a terminal app but rather a VM management app able to run GUI applications. Initial GUI support is shipping with our next release.

      I seem to be getting a FileNotFound error when trying to download the image in the terminal app...

      Upon launching the terminal and pressing Install, I keep receiving the message:
      "Failed to install. Please try again"

      I am on the latest release and have a stable network connection so not quite sure what's happening here.

        I noticed that Charging Optimization Limit to 80% stopped working for me on this update and the previous one before that.


          yore same, no vpns or anything, the download link seems to just 404:
          03-11 06:10:53.076 12972 13077 E VmTerminalApp: java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://dl.google.com/android/ferrochrome/3500000/aarch64/images.tar.gz
          and indeed curling or opening that url leads to a google 404 page

            With this new terminal app we can access Android files like in older terminal apps (basically using commands like "ls", "cp" and other unix commands) or is not the purpose of this app?

            • lxea replied to this.

              This update bricked Bluetooth on my Pixel 6a the same as 2025030800.
              Resetting Bluetooth and WIFI via system settings resolved this problem.