have pixel 8 pro update crashed on the disabling wifi hal debug logging. everything else seems fine. what should I do? here's my crash log

type: crash
osVersion: google/husky/husky:15/AP3A.241005.015/2024102400:user/release-keys
uid: 1001 (u:r:hal_radioext_default:s0)
cmdline: /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.google.radioext@1.0-service
processUptime: 1s

abortMessage: fdsan: attempted to close file descriptor 4, expected to be unowned, actually owned by unique_fd 0xc9e2adbbdd0c

signal: 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE)
threadName: vendor.google.r
MTE: enabled

/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (fdsan_error(char const*, ...)+564, pc 6e8c4)
/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (android_fdsan_close_with_tag+944, pc 6e5c0)
/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (close+20, pc 6ee54)
/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.google.radioext@1.0-service (vendor::google::radioext::V1_0::implementation::readFrequencyFile(cam_index_e_type, cam_conf_index_e_type, android::hardware::hidl_vec<int>&)+960, pc 25900)
/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.google.radioext@1.0-service (vendor::google::radioext::V1_0::implementation::RadioExt::RadioExt()+364, pc 25aac)
/vendor/bin/hw/vendor.google.radioext@1.0-service (main+76, pc 243dc)
/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__libc_init+120, pc 602e8)


    oh, i just assumed when I saw hal_radioext_default it was maybe related to that. what crashed then?

    So Upgrade happenned mostly well on my part, one app has an inconsistent behavior (Better network tiles) but still works

    I see I am now on android 15, is the Android 15 feature "Limiting charging to 80%" but I don't see it, is it planned/in the works for GrapheneOS ?

    CF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDazo8tkCPU&t=215s


      one app has an inconsistent behavior (Better network tiles) but still works

      What's wrong?


      I see I am now on android 15, is the Android 15 feature "Limiting charging to 80%" but I don't see it, is it planned/in the works for GrapheneOS ?

      You're confusing Android 15 with Android 15 QPR1, likely because of inaccurate content about it that's confusing them.

      Pixel 8 pro. Kernel crashed with kernel panic.

      type: crash
      isPrevious: true
      Build: google/husky/husky:15/AP3A.241005.015/2024102400:user/release-keys
      Hardware: husky
      Revision: MP1.0
      Bootloader: ripcurrent-15.0-12059390
      Radio: null
      Kernel: Linux version 5.15.167-android14-11-gfe3eb0600ceb (build-user@build-host) (Android (10087095, +pgo, +bolt, +lto, -mlgo, based on r487747c) clang version 17.0.2 (https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/llvm-project d9f89f4d16663d5012e5c09495f3b30ece3d2362), LLD 17.0.2) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 11 02:03:20 UTC 2024

      Oh man, it got worse. I am unable to use any app installed via Play Store for more than a few minutes. It keeps crashing. Which log I should check? 😖

        spacecicada As far as I know, most if not all of the issues have been ironed out, so your issue with constant crashes is unique. Did you remove Google Services Framework from an existing install after upgrading to Android 15?

        It sounds like the crashes are from Google Play. It may be best to uninstall all three apps (Google Play, Google Play Services, and Google Services Framework) and install them again. If you do that, you may have to clear the storage of other apps or reinstall them so that they can work with Google Play again (for example, Signal/Molly for notifications). That's what I'd do if I were in your situation, but maybe someone here might have a better, less annoying suggestion?

          other8026 No I did not remove anything. After Android 15 update there was noticable slowless in app launch. And after this update the apps started crashing too frequently.

          It would be really annoying to remove and set up again. I have to travel tomorrow and if something breaks it would be really bad. Especially payment and email.

            Pixel 8, no problems encountered.

            spacecicada No, leave it be. You can remove all 3 Google Play apps, reinstall Google Play which won't include then and thenreinstall apps depending on it if you really want but there's no benefit.

              Yeah, so USB-C port exploit protection kind of never works the way it used to on Android 14. The only way I can switch off charging-only to use usb devices is to change the setting, and then do a restart. Then it will work for that session.

              It doesn't matter if I do a full power off and power back on. If charging-only was set while booting, it simply refuses to switch out of charging-only during that boot. If charging-only wasn't set during boot, then it works fine, until I do a restart or power off/power on with charging-only enabled, at which point the toggle stops working.

              This is consistently reproducible on my end. (Re)boot while in charging-only: the toggle never works. (Re)boot while not in charging-only: the toggle always works. This was never broken in Android 14 builds.

              (Again, Pixel 7a)

                GrapheneOS After running smoothly for almost 2 days, I can say the GSF was definitely the culprit. I will leave it disabled as suggested. Thanks

                Split tunneling is not working on ProtonVPN. Split tunneled apps are completely isolated to local network only. Without any Internet connection or DNS.

                When i split tunnel Vanadium I get following errors:

                If i try to visit "" which is actually google i get "ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED" and if i use google.de i get "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED"

                The topic starts here:
