spacecicada As far as I know, most if not all of the issues have been ironed out, so your issue with constant crashes is unique. Did you remove Google Services Framework from an existing install after upgrading to Android 15?

It sounds like the crashes are from Google Play. It may be best to uninstall all three apps (Google Play, Google Play Services, and Google Services Framework) and install them again. If you do that, you may have to clear the storage of other apps or reinstall them so that they can work with Google Play again (for example, Signal/Molly for notifications). That's what I'd do if I were in your situation, but maybe someone here might have a better, less annoying suggestion?

    other8026 No I did not remove anything. After Android 15 update there was noticable slowless in app launch. And after this update the apps started crashing too frequently.

    It would be really annoying to remove and set up again. I have to travel tomorrow and if something breaks it would be really bad. Especially payment and email.

      Pixel 8, no problems encountered.

      spacecicada No, leave it be. You can remove all 3 Google Play apps, reinstall Google Play which won't include then and thenreinstall apps depending on it if you really want but there's no benefit.

        Yeah, so USB-C port exploit protection kind of never works the way it used to on Android 14. The only way I can switch off charging-only to use usb devices is to change the setting, and then do a restart. Then it will work for that session.

        It doesn't matter if I do a full power off and power back on. If charging-only was set while booting, it simply refuses to switch out of charging-only during that boot. If charging-only wasn't set during boot, then it works fine, until I do a restart or power off/power on with charging-only enabled, at which point the toggle stops working.

        This is consistently reproducible on my end. (Re)boot while in charging-only: the toggle never works. (Re)boot while not in charging-only: the toggle always works. This was never broken in Android 14 builds.

        (Again, Pixel 7a)

          GrapheneOS After running smoothly for almost 2 days, I can say the GSF was definitely the culprit. I will leave it disabled as suggested. Thanks

          Split tunneling is not working on ProtonVPN. Split tunneled apps are completely isolated to local network only. Without any Internet connection or DNS.

          When i split tunnel Vanadium I get following errors:

          If i try to visit "" which is actually google i get "ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED" and if i use i get "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED"

          The topic starts here:


            whambam yes, with and without the same issue.

            Want to add, I can ofc access my local network. But that's it.

            When I have turned off "block non VPN" it just get stuck. Doesn't finish loading the page.

            I would try with another VPN but I don't have.

              Shrunk836 I've been having internet issues too but with no connection on any secondary profiles. I have ProtonVPN basic service, so I have to disconnect before switching profiles and then reconnect. I couldn't get an internet connection on secondary profiles, but on the main profile and work profile (using Shelter on the main profile), it worked fine. It didn't matter if I was on mobile or Wi-Fi, VPN on or off, "Always on" on or off, or kill swith on or off. There was no connection even though GOS indicated that everything was connected.

              After a couple of days of pulling my hair out, last night I changed the "Internet connectivity checks" from GrapheneOS to Off, and it fixed it for some reason, but today I had no connection again. After fiddling with it some more, I finally narrowed it down to the kill switch in the main profile. It seems that that setting and VPN connection status in the main profile are now global. The "Always on" setting can be either on or off, but if it and the kill switch are on and I disconnect the VPN and switch profiles, the secondary profile has no internet regardless of any settings in that profile. I think this started with the update.


                The "block non vpn connection" setting was always blocking internet on my other profiles when the other profiles wasn't on protonvpn, so i always had that off. but now the split tunneling is broken, since i deleted other profiles beside my owner since the private space would do the same. Now i cant use Split Tunneling since it isolates app into local network only without the ability to access internet.

                  Shrunk836 If that setting in the owner profile is blocking the internet in the other profiles, then it might be a related issue. I never had any problems with it until a few days ago. Do you think your issue is related to the last update? Have you tried to create a new profile to see if you can at least get back to where you were?

                    ForumUser1 nah i didnt, and i dont know if ur issue is related to the same bug, but mine occured with the latest update. For your issue i dont know how its related from owner to secondary. in secondary split tunneling worked but dunno if it was with "block non vpn" turned off. Anyway, i hope they fix the split tunneling because right now split tunneling is useless, about your problem, it might get fixed or maybe its even supposed to be like this. Who knows.

                      Shrunk836 My issue shouldn't be this way because the other profiles still have their own settings, but the owner setting now overrides them. I hope they fix it because it's really annoying and partially defeats the purpose of having multiple profiles. User profiles were created so that multiple users can share a device, so they should be able to control their own settings.


                      Odd, split tunneling is working fine for me with ProtonVPN, as long as I turn off 'Block connections without VPN'.

                        Yes, as written above, I tested both. With turned on, I get an instant error on Vanadium. When I have turned it off, it just gets stuck in loading the page.