lodart mass-adoption IS the issue. Tech/features/security really don't have value if no one is using it.

Texting app fatigue is a huge problem. Iphone users are remiss to use anything that doesn't have an "I" in front of it.

    a month later

    I have read on this before, am planning on looking into this. I do like what I see in it

    3 months later

    Using Simplex Chat here. Surprised it doesn't get more attention, tbh. You can run your own server, it's open source, and it's had a security audit.

      justcurious Thanks for the comment.
      Is simpleX Chat easily installed and used? The only way I'll get my technophobe brother using it is if I spring it on him during a confidential issue, and it'd have to be "plug and play" or he'd give up.

        newbie24689 Fairly easy to get set up on and use, I'd say. I don't use it actively, but I have tested it out in the past.

        If I recall correctly, you install the app, and you can connect with someone else either via accessing a link, or scanning a QR code.

          matchboxbananasynergy Thank You for replying!
          Presuming you have tested/used Signal and Session, do you see this as becoming your primary app with new correspondents? Possibly replacing S and S with ongoing correspondents? TIA

          Yes - just install and go. It's a great app and my primary messenger now

          Wife is on IOS and we are testing SimpleX messenger now. Will see how it goes.

            8 months later
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            billinmtl are you still using SimpleX please? Can you report on its functionality?

            At this time, we are using Signal - did not have any issues with SimpleX, found the UI a little buggy so hopefully things have improved over time

              • [deleted]

              billinmtl thank you mate, it's the messenger of choice I will be trying out in the near future as a Signal and the like alternative.

              lodart I like the concept of SimpleX, but app fatigue is real. I push as many uninformed towards signal as possible for simplicity sake, but being decentralized is a plus for sure and is the future of secure messaging. Sethforprivacy had a podcast with the founder of SimpleX worth a listen if you're interested.

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              spiral you don't seem to understand that this write up can be applied to any network enabled app and that all communication is encrypted. So I don't see it crushing anything.

                • [deleted]

                [deleted] But SimpleX dev wrongly claims that SimpleX fixes this problem, which is bad.