
  • Joined Nov 22, 2022
  • I wanted to avoid using anything Google related, however, recently none of my immediate family members were getting any texts from me, or they would get my initial text (sms) but I would not get responses. After about two weeks, I am not sure but assuming it has to do with my family using iphones and all messages going through RCS to me (which on thier end would fail). I used the Graphene OS apps to install Google Play services, I did not sign into my Google account and even my G profile (from my computer) does not have my phone number. I have had 2 weeks now of using Google messages with RCS, not signed into Google and Google store is enabled but no permissions are set. Google Play services only has Network permission, everything else is denied. I would really love to NOT use Google Messages just to get RCS working, but for now this works. Also, just to confirm, when I got to my work computer and check my Google devices (my company I work for uses their services) and check My Devices, it only shows my home computer (Linux based) and no other devices. So to summarize, I have done:

    Installed Google Play / Play services through Apps
    Did not sign into Google account
    Google Play store - all permissions denied
    Google Play Services - Network is the only permission enabled.

    Hopefully this helps someone. I DO NOT have Carrier Services installed and I am on Tmobile USA.

  • I know this is late, I had the same issue with the MyQ app. I had to disable app spawning in settings and this worked. Also, you must have G services installed or the app will not work, period.

    • N3rdTek I have only been with them a few weeks, not even a month. It took me using it for about 3 days before I dropped Google photos altogether and used Google Takeout to export all my photos and videos. Importing them was super smooth, you can use the web interface or the fdroid app. They do have ios and gplay store links, but of course Fdroid it is. I really appreciate that they support a desktop app for windoze/mac and linux. I use Linux so I went with that desktop app. I was able to pull my sorted (mostly) photos and videos from exported Gphotos and dragged and dropped into the computer app. It was relatively simple and very fast to upload and create (as I dragged and dropped) new albums or added to existing albums. The android app is very nice. It just has a nice flow and feel to the app itself and I like that when I select to delete a photo or video from my phone, it asks if i want to delete from my phone alone or both the phone and cloud. If I had any gripe, it would be that you cannot send a link to someone for an individual photo or video. On Gphotos, if I had a video file that I wanted to send to other family members (all on ios) I had to create a shareable link and then send that to them for them to view, no such luck yet on Ente.io. However you can create a shareable link for an album.

      They do offer I believe a free 7 or 14 day trial with very limited temp storage. Honestly, I have been extremely pleased with them and unless something goes seriously wonky with the company, I will stay.

      I would like to one day use my home server (52tb) as a storage in place of Ente.io, but I do like that there is a cloud storage just in case.

      If anyone has any thoughts on Ente.io, I would say use the trial period and mess with it and the PC app. You got nothing to lose. But I feel it is worth it for e2e encryption. In regards to my previous statement about hte 24 digit key, its actually a series of words. You enter this once into the PC app to sync as well as the cloud/website login. Then you are golden. Let me know if anyone else has questions. Besides the limited free account, $5 for 100gb and $10 for 500gb. While it is much more expensive (not as much as others) when compared to Google Photos storage ($3 for 200gb a month) I feel it is worth the piece of mind that your photos and videos are yours alone and no one else can see them unless you share it. They offer a family plan, but not sure what that costs.

    • I just switched from Google Photos to Ente.io. I pay $5 a month for 100gb of storage, more than enough for me and 15 years of photos. I also keep local backup on my server. I have been pretty happy with Ente. Its all E2E encrypted and you have to use a 24 digit key to acces your stuff. You lose this key and you lose your access as Ente does not keep track of anything.

      • One thing I forgot to mention. I have my current new setup so that Google PLay Services is denied on always running in the background. Could this be the reason for so many wakelocks by the above file?

        • I have been consistently having battery issues with Graphene. Made a couple prior posts on this, but still problem persists. I eventually used the web installed to start from scratch again. I did the command to view wakelocks and found the above one listed 7 times overnight. Not sure if the above one is a problem and if its activating too much any solution on minimizing the amount of wakelocks?

          • So I recently added a pin and fingerprint lockscreen to my phone about a week ago. I have been having an issue at least once a day where i press my power button to bring up the lockscreen and nothing happens. I press an hold the power button and I feel the phone vibrate but no response. I have to hold and force reboot the phone for it to come back. Has anyone else had this issue? Graphene updated last night the current release, same result as it just happened a moment ago. If anyone knows a solution, I would love to know.

            Thank you

          • Kubuntu, but have used Manjaro, Fedora and Linux Mint

          • I have read on this before, am planning on looking into this. I do like what I see in it

          • matchboxbananasynergy Man, i looked and did not see a work profile setup, but when I scrolled down further I did see the toggle for it. Thank you!. I was losing my mind over this. This shelter app has been removed.

            Thank you matboxbananasynergy and to everyone else here who assisted. I appreciate it, thank you!

            • matchboxbananasynergy I do not recall adding it. But now that it is installed, I am unable to disable or uninstall

              Okay, I just checked, apparently I downloaded the apk at some point and manually installed. But again, now that it is installed, battery is set to unrestricted and I cannot change to optimized or restricted, and I am unable to disable or uninstall. Any suggestions?

              • f13a-6c3a I have been skimming my apps. Just to re-iterate, prior to switching to Graphene I was getting easily all day with the same apps (mostly) installed. After I reinstalled Graphene a week ago (after initially installing it the week prior but reinstalled due to bad battery life). After the install again of Graphene last week, I had awesome battery for about 2 days, then it drastically went down.

                I have a family member who has been using Graphene and he uses Google apps on a second profile, he believes it may be since I am using sandboxed G stuff that it could be the culprit, but I do not really see how.

                Also, just to mention, I have gone in about changed battery to restricted on all apps I do not feel I need to be optimized, and even changed background to no background data access, only if/when I fire up the app.

              • Hey Everyone,

                So I noticed yesterday that the Shelter app was installed, guessing part of a new Graphene update. But also saw that I now have duplicate apps that now have a blue suitcase on the icon and when I select the app, its background on the settings/app page is a different theme. I am unable to remove/disable the shelter app or the other blue suitcase apps. Any ideas what these are? I did read that shelter is a more secure work profile app. But what if someone wants to remove/disable these? I just find it annoying I have duplicate apps now.

                • t_lo This is enabled and I have never touched it. But yeah, battery drain has been pretty sporadic. Last night my phone dropped about 40-45% overnight while I was asleep. System CPU was eating up about 20-25% overnight, with no idea why or what it could be.

                  • Oggyo apologies on late repy. I did do this. Still did not change anything. After a fresh install a week ago, I had good battery for about 3 days then it went to garbage again. Last night I went to bed and had 78%, woke up to 32%. System CPU was eating up around 22-24% overnight.

                    • I should have mentioned, I have used Accubattery in the past and it reads (still as of last week) that my battery is 5011mah and healthy. When I was on stock, I would get upwards of 6-8 hours screen on time. Perhaps later this week when I have time, I will factory reset and reflash GrapheneOS and see how it goes. But I know my battery is not the issue.