Yes, I know, yet another messenger app. But this one looks very promising !
Fully encrypted, open-source and decentralized (you can self-host servers!), with no single identity attached to you (unlike Signal's phone number or Session's ID). I really struggle to find any downsides, other than mass-adoption.

Let me know what you think !

    lodart seems great for PMs with people you already have a trustworthy channel with, but each connection link is unique so you can't easily send one link to multiple people. It's the most secure but also the most troublesome.

    I like the UI a lot but I find it hard to imagine a scenario where I would choose it over signal or element or session or briar.

    EDIT ^^^^

    Just realised simplex has reusable addresses as well as single use links... feel free to PM me an invite link on matrix if you want to test out simplex some more

    lodart mass-adoption IS the issue. Tech/features/security really don't have value if no one is using it.

    Texting app fatigue is a huge problem. Iphone users are remiss to use anything that doesn't have an "I" in front of it.

      a month later

      I have read on this before, am planning on looking into this. I do like what I see in it

      3 months later

      Using Simplex Chat here. Surprised it doesn't get more attention, tbh. You can run your own server, it's open source, and it's had a security audit.

        justcurious Thanks for the comment.
        Is simpleX Chat easily installed and used? The only way I'll get my technophobe brother using it is if I spring it on him during a confidential issue, and it'd have to be "plug and play" or he'd give up.

          newbie24689 Fairly easy to get set up on and use, I'd say. I don't use it actively, but I have tested it out in the past.

          If I recall correctly, you install the app, and you can connect with someone else either via accessing a link, or scanning a QR code.

            matchboxbananasynergy Thank You for replying!
            Presuming you have tested/used Signal and Session, do you see this as becoming your primary app with new correspondents? Possibly replacing S and S with ongoing correspondents? TIA

            Yes - just install and go. It's a great app and my primary messenger now

            Wife is on IOS and we are testing SimpleX messenger now. Will see how it goes.

              8 months later
              • [deleted]

              billinmtl are you still using SimpleX please? Can you report on its functionality?

              At this time, we are using Signal - did not have any issues with SimpleX, found the UI a little buggy so hopefully things have improved over time

                • [deleted]

                billinmtl thank you mate, it's the messenger of choice I will be trying out in the near future as a Signal and the like alternative.

                lodart I like the concept of SimpleX, but app fatigue is real. I push as many uninformed towards signal as possible for simplicity sake, but being decentralized is a plus for sure and is the future of secure messaging. Sethforprivacy had a podcast with the founder of SimpleX worth a listen if you're interested.