Impossible. Tried from underground too. Google kept it secret.

- May 18, 2024
- Joined Oct 15, 2023
GenX, Budapest, hardcore privacy / anonimity and freedom of speech advocate for a strong society vs the oppressive 1%
- Edited
de0u government attention you might attract by having a stream of IMEIs at your location.
In reality this is not a concern in most situations, since it is totally common to have countless IMEIs connected to a tower from the same area as all the service provider normally see is how many and what IEMI are conected within a 50-150m radius area from a given basestation (in cities there are multiple story buildings, so it means up to thousands at once...). Imagine smartphone repair shops, shoping malls, retail stores etc... 100k IMEI a day on a single tower... if not more.
Maybe in specific cases, in rural areas with 2 user on a tower, and if ther eis a targeted search for someone or something suspicios, they may notice like ten new IMEIs in the middle of the woods.... or if LE targets someone and triangulates the target (not in the middle of a shopping mall or a 100 home condo tower...) than they may find sus if dozens of new IMEIs pop up at the same location that they are actively monitoring 24/7.
What might be actually sus is when a sus target changes IMEI or IMSI "too frequently" but even in this case the target was already sus and monitored to begin with :) So it just becames twice as much sus :D GSM shops use the same SIM for over a year for thousands of devices (IMEIs) for testing... but LE is not breaking their doors.
Ideas, requests: Integrated TOR by a single switch and with a verification status bar which also shows the circuit? Customizable TTL for messages on server...? Optional online presence displaying like in Briar which would come with zero second TTL or maybe a few minutes (only in server RAM without persistance on reboot)?
final deleting the profile before your device was taken by the adversary means there is no data to extract, as it is all encrypted and the keys are erased with it.
Can you please recommend a tool that could erase a secondary profile instantly by a set panic "button"? Like Wasted erases the phone but another sllution that erases the profile only? Likle if you enter a preset PIN it erases the selected profile or an added extra button when you hold the power button...
matchboxbananasynergy GrapheneOS
GrapheneOS' upcoming duress feature will not have the same deficiencies.
I cannot wait for that feature to drop! So important, unstoppable self destriction initiated by various methodes, remotely as well.Wasted does not work and is trivially bypassable. All you need to do to stop it is boot into fastboot when it's wiping. You should not rely on it.
@matchboxbananasynergy Thank you very much for telling us about its critical, weak point! While, as [deleted] mentioned, Wasted app is the best what we got at the moment and it might come very usefull for many, in contless situations even if it is not perfect or unstoppable. Actually its dev has some newer paid version as well. But depending on the country, LE type and situation, it is rare to have a smartphone forensic team to show up or be available during those 3 seconds when the reformat starts. If ther eis such a forensic team there, than you have committed some very serious crimes (which is not the case for most Wasted users), so II would still recomend its usage untikl there is no betetr solution/tool.
Nuttso Thx a lot. We are working towards making molly the most secure communication app available. There are a lot of features on the roadmap that will be a game changer.
Fingers crossed and I wish you or Simplex makes the finest, best chat app of all, 99.9% anonym, 99.9% secure and 99.9% private and 100% simple and fail safe for any user. So Briar + Cwcth + TOR + Simplex + Signal/Molly + 100% anonimity and all a beautiful simple UI should be melted together :D
What are your main thoughts about SimpleX and Cwcth? Any truly major concerns?
- In SimpleX Chat
Wasted app does all this and too well...