Posting AI generated content in our community is only permitted for people who are using an automated translation tool to work around not being fluent in English. Use of a translation tool must be marked in either your user bio or the first post in a thread where you're using it. Use a dedicated translation tool, not a generic text generator like ChatGPT.
AI generated text is still usually very easy for us to spot. Both spammers and malicious trolls are making more and more use of these tools to attack the project. We cannot distinguish people who do not believe they're causing any harm by using these tools from people using them maliciously. Posting walls of verbose text written in the tone of an expert by an AI with no actual understanding involved is harmful to our community. It wastes the time of moderators, developers and community members along with misleading people. People shouldn't have to waste their time responding to machine generated nonsense which comes across as a very serious but very misguided post.
Suspensions for violating this rule will be permanent if the content wasn't marked as AI generated. These AI text generation tools are essentially optimized for generating plausible sounding misinformation and their use will be treated as malicious deception. Multiple accounts have been suspended for clearly using these tools without saying so. Please stop doing this. People invest a lot of time helping others in this community and do not want to waste their time responding to machine generated nonsense.