Privacy is also more than just "I have done nothing wrong," because malicious actors can hurt you with information that is perfectly normal or reasonable to have. For example, researchers have revealed that Facebook tracks if you have problems with alcoholism or gambling, for example, and serves you more ads for alcohol products and casinos:
Now maybe YOU don't have problems with alcohol or gambling, but what other innocent aspects of your life will corporations capitalize on, at your expense? If your Facebook app, with always-on location tracking, determines that you tend to drive over the speed limit, they can alert your car insurance company to raise your rates. If TikTok has always-on Bluetooth scanning (to connect to speakers), it will figure out who you live with, because it will detect their phone's Bluetooth MAC at regular times of day. If your roommate/child/spouse/whatever later goes to, say, a protest (or an abortion clinic, or whatever) and other phones with TikTok detect their phone's Bluetooth MAC, TikTok can now easily figure out their identity, where they live, and what their habits are.