• General
  • Worried about my seized Pixel 7


That was a MATRIX phone. I'm not sure if they were running stock GOS with their app, a GOS fork, or something entirely different.

They were Pixel devices though, and the Tensor chip would be the same.

I haven't heard of a criminal investigation/prosecution where a Tensor exploit was used to access the phone, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. I would love to see documentation of one though.

Court cases are one of the best places to learn about practical phone security.


    you can look up europool info. its literally what made them start operation passionflower to Start tracking matrix and eventually shut the network down. you can even see its not a graphene phone (or if it is its a clone) when they boot the phones to show off. they have a totally different boot animation and old school full android block based encryption not the newer file based type



    I’m slow.

    I words of one syllable, does this mean that Element is compromised?


    There are no known exploits to the Titan M2 or the SecureElement.

    That does not mean that one doesn't exist, just that if it does its existence hasn't been publicly revealed.

    To the best of my knowledge, there are no known (or rumored) technical exploits for an up to date Pixel running GOS. Every compromise I have been able to find was a user fault and/or alternative methods being used to gain the PIN.

    Again, if you get on the US governments fuck you list (where they will drone strike you or have Delta do a bit of extraordinary rendition) then all bets are off. Otherwise, up to date GOS on a supported Pixel used in line with best practices remains secure.