DeletedUser88 Will I be able to set a separate VPN in the private space just like a normal profile?
On the stock PixelOS, the latest Android 15 Beta, the Settings app in Owner has a nice UI for switching between settings for the Owner profile and the Private Space profile. When you go to Settings > Network & internet > VPN, the VPN apps are marked with icons to differentiate between the VPN slots for Owner and Private Space profiles. I expect this to be the case for AOSP as well.
I think that Private Space is very nicely done – UI-wise it's easy to quickly differentiate between apps, settings and notifications in Owner and Private Space. You can run two instances of the same app side-by-side and quickly note which one you're currently using by activating the app switcher. I took some screenshots to better explain this but I think seeing it for yourself when GrapheneOS based on AOSP15 is released will explain it better.
Please note that I have only tested this on PixelOS.