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AlanZ Your opinions about the apps and icons are very well documented on this forum. We can agree to disagree, and despite you not always having phrased your feedback in the most productive way possible, that's still fine.
However, the comment I'm now replying to is very close to being indistinguishable from trolling. Exaggerations of this nature are not productive, and you're not making a better case for what you want by resorting to them.
AlanZ You can't uninstall apps that come with the system, they're part of the system. You say "not the same thing", but for all intents and purposes, it is the same thing. What's the actual difference, the size of the apps? With devices that start at 128GB, that is not a valid argument when this app takes an infinitesimal fraction of that.
[deleted] The feedback so far has been overwhelmingly positive. We added the Info app to the app repository days ago to get early feedback, and so far people have appreciated it. You can also see that from others in this thread. Therefore, I would say, that this app is definitely not "useless", at least not to everyone. I understand you might not have a use for it; that's fine. You're free to disable it.
[deleted] It serves people with an easy way to see what's the latest at a glance, find links to all of our community channels conveniently in case they need support, as well as a handy way to support the project.
The app's functionality will likely expand in the future to do a lot more to not only improve the experience of people who are new to the OS, but also to existing users e.g. by introducing new features when they're added.
Dumdum You could say that there might be niche situations where someone who uses GrapheneOS also has a non-GrapheneOS device and might want to keep up, but I agree the usecase is limited. Someone who wants this app outside of GrapheneOS can download "Apps" and get it from there, if they want.