why do you justify software and a service that you provide free of charge to such an extent?
is GOS grassroots democracy or do you just have to accept certain things if you are just a beneficiary and get it for free?
everyone is free to fork the code and make it better for themselves.
I wouldn't say so much if I were you.
on my part, thanks to you for the OS as it is
GrapheneOS Info app version 2 released
Congratulations, I had to sign up just so I could complain about this app (and others). I agree with AlanZ and xenibem156. Why include unnecessary apps? Let users decide if they want it. I'd like the Auditor and the Camera apps removed as well. Otherwise, I love this hardened, de-Googled OS.
GrapheneOS Really? Who selects one of the limited compatible devices, connects it to a PC and proceeds through all the steps to change the OS without investigating the project? "Many GrapheneOS users"? Ridiculous!
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gergb1970 I discourage you from using anything else though. Graphene is still the best OS, even though they sometimes make decisions some user including me disagree with. And ultimately, this annoyance does not affect the security/privacy of the OS.
gergb1970 The camera app can't be removed. You presumably think you would just install another one, and that would work. It won't. App that use system capture intents will only use the system camera app. Any camera app you install after the fact won't work.
So we've established the camera app needs to be preinstalled.
Auditor being a part of the OS improves its security, and therefore its usefulness.
gergb1970 Really? Who selects one of the limited compatible devices, connects it to a PC and proceeds through all the steps to change the OS without investigating the project? "Many GrapheneOS users"? Ridiculous!
I'm sorry, but what is "ridiculous" is that you think that people that use GrapheneOS have gone through your exact journey and that there are no other paths. No people who bought a device that came with GrapehneOS off-the-shelf, nobody who had GrapheneOS installed for them by a loved one without knowing much about it, or any other way where they wouldn't be up to date with everything, including how to get support and contribute.
This app, as well as its possible future functions, is a response to trends we're seeing and are trying to address. Me and the rest of the moderator, frequent community member and developer team are out here helping dozens of people every day, so please rest assured that we are very in tune with how people experience GrapheneOS and are trying to improve the experience for them.
If you don't need this app, disable it. If you don't need Auditor, disable it. You won't be able to disable the camera app because that is prevented for the reasons I explained at the start of my response, but you're of course free to use a different camera app that can handle everything other than the aforementioned system capture intents.
I like the info app!
Nifty feature, I hope it drives more donations to the project.
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I saw the app in the App store some days ago, installed it, saw that it is a neat app but ultimately of no use to me so I uninstalled it. Today with the new update I saw that it is forced on me and I can only disable it. I do not appreciate that.
I am one of those people that like to install only the things they use and uninstall everything else. I like minimalism. I went away from other OSes because of this "You can't install it but you can disable it" bullshit since it gave me a feeling of no control. I really do not see why it's just not in the App store for people to decide.
matchboxbananasynergy I've voiced my opinion about unwanted apps but understand the need and desire to include them. Thank you and the others for your work.
May I suggest the Info app start page quickly explain what the Graphene OS is for the users unfamiliar it.
@matchboxbananasynergy Just wanted to add a vote/note that, as someone that has no use for the app, I appreciate it and am excited that it's now built into the OS.
Also, fantastic job moderating. Keep up the good work.
AlanZ I think you can do that from adb. A simple adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 <package_name>
should be enough.
I was unaware that the info app had been added - it's an excellent resource and from my perspective a very welcome innovation. Speaking for myself, the only thing missing is the 'usage guide'. Kudos to the developers.
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Where has this Info app gone in the latest update? I cannot find it in the app drawer anymore and my homescreen shortcut has also disappeared. The only way I can access it is directly via the Apps App.
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It still shows in other profiles. You can't remove anything from the system partition. Just from a current profile. So it is not truly gone.
Here to voice my opinion.
I don't mind it being a system app. I just really like how it's much easier to check release notes now.
Thanks a lot guys!
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I can see why the GrapheneOS team want this installed and I appreciate the app, but I don't want apps on my device I don't need. I would remove some of the AOSP apps if it wasn't advised against... I like things minimal.
It would be great to have installed as standard but have the option to uninstall (and reinstall from apps if a use case arose for the user)
This is by no means a negative comment just voicing my preference. However if it stays as is its not a deal breaker clearly a minor thing/ non-issue when looking at the rest of the OS.
Graphene1 one thing I will add though is the UI of the app looks 👌 makes me look forward to any updates the GOS team do to any of the stock AOSP apps
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@matchboxbananasynergy One thing that has occurred to me is what is the Network permission used for in the app? The logical answer is that the information is updated via the network from GOS servers. Is that the case, or is information updated upon update of the app itself via Apps?
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Dumdum The network permission is used to fetch release notes from https://grapheneos.org/releases.atom. This is documented in the default connections FAQ.
We considered having the information be static and updating release notes via a version bump, but ultimately decided against it because the release notes are very frequently tweaked after the fact (to fix typos, reword things that might've been confusing to people etc.), which would end up taking too much time away from other things.
The social/community links and donation options are static, so if something changes there, we have to release a new version to update that.
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Thank you all for your continued feedback on this, both those who like the addition of the app, and those who don't like it. Some further things to address:
The reason why we deemed it important for the app to come with the OS rather than just being an option in Apps is because the app is meant to be a way to introduce people to GrapheneOS by showing them the release note and how they can contribute/get involved in a way that's right there. It's likely that the default homescreen will be edited in the future so that after setup, the Apps app and perhaps the Info app will be among the apps that are on the homescreen, so that they're more prominent.
The second reason for that is because we will likely be expanding the functionality of the app beyond its current scope of just providing information that can be found on the website by incorporating tips and guides for new users and existing long-term users alike.
As an example of what that might look like, there could be a "get started" option that takes you through settings like auto reboot, duress, etc., briefly introduces you to the feature, and has a button that directly takes you to that setting. Google has a similar app called the "Pixel Tips" app.
On top of that, when a new feature is added, the app could notify the user about it, at which point you can be introduced to that feature.
Feedback and observing what people say shows that not everyone is on top of the release notes, and therefore people miss a lot of features that they could be using simply because they're not aware of them. To help people make the most out of GrapheneOS, we believe that kind of user interface will be able to do that in an unobtrusive, interactive way. We want to avoid the current situation where people come to our community to ask when X feature will be implemented, only for us to say that it was already implemented a month or two ago. :)
Finally, as another point that demonstrates the benefits of this app, is that we have already seen an uptick of people joining our community channels that directly mentioned they did so because they saw the link to e.g. our chat rooms via the Info app. That tells us that the app is already providing information that people may not have been aware of or may have pushed aside, and that it's providing value to them.
Contrasting that to the fact that some people don't want it or need it (which is absolutely fine) being able to easily disable it and have it be out of sight, out of mind, we currently believe that having it be a part of the OS is the right move.