I would like some recommendations on the issue of speech to text (and not text to speech).
I do not want an app which needs network access, and I generally prefer apps which respects privacy or at least can be restricted to mantain privacy.
Any recommendations or advice?
Speech to text
Sayboard or FUTO Voice
I much prefer FUTO Voice though. Its very good and sometimes even better than Google's voice typing.
They both integrate well with other privacy respecting keyboards like Heliboard.
+1 for FUTO, works offline and well.
I'm finding FUTO fantastic to use. Another vote from me. ( I just used FUTO to do this.)
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+1 Futo. I wish it had a larger delay for silence detection. I get dumped sometimes cuz I'm slow at speaking:(
jacobb Futo all the way. In fact, I used it for this response, LOL.
OK, I'll give FUTO a try.
What do you know about the people behind it?
Isn't it based on OpenAI whisper, which I believe belongs to M$? I am not fond of them...
BTW have you installed their apk directly or through f-droid or google play?
jacobb Jacobb, I always use a direct apk download when it's available. I don't use f-droid, but if it is on their site I look for the "source code" link which almost always go to GitHub. Then I download it from their. I NEVER use google play. NOTE: Doing it this way does not always offer convenient and automatic app updates. So I just do that on my own.
Hope this helps and hope you enjoy using FUTO.
I do, thanks.
Settings > Input
Turn off "Automatically stop on silence". You will have to hit the mic to process what you just said.
Futo is owned by a billionaire and they give away tons of money to many foss projects, including GrapheneOS.
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I'm not [deleted] , but I was curious about the owner myself.
A quick search brought up the following quote (it's from the organization's website - so take it accordingly):
That organization is FUTO, founded in 2021 by 18-year Silicon Valley veteran, programmer/founder of Yahoo! Games, and WhatsApp seed investor Eron Wolf.
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KontraGoog Hi @KontraGoog and @jacobb, you might be interested in my speech to text app called Transcribro. It has a higher delay, more UI options, and settings to customize the behavior, along with some useful features, one of them introduced with 0.3.0 makes editing mistakes or just adding more words take less switching back to another keyboard to fix capitalization and punctuation. Check it out on GitHub here: https://github.com/soupslurpr/Transcribro and check out the release notes of the latest release (at the time of writing, 0.3.0) here: https://github.com/soupslurpr/Transcribro/releases/tag/v0.3.0
It's available on the Accrescent app store and GitHub releases.
Has anyone used both Transcribro and Futo Voice? How do they compare?
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I've just come here looking for an alternative to transcribio. I could not get it to work while Heliboard was running (would never be available on keyboard switch). It would only appear when Heliboard was disabled, and even then wouldn't respond when active.
Yes, mic access enabled.
will give FUTO a go.
FUTO keyboard is a killer app. So good.
Off topic:
One small tweak I'd like to see is the enabling by choice an option to visibly include special long press characters behind each key as you can see in Heliboard.