Do you use Sandboxed Google Play in the profile that Brave is in?
Bitwarden not working on Brave
matchboxbananasynergy yes I do
Update: I tried reinstalling BW and then Brave hoping that it "forgets" the accessibility was ever turned on, but it still doesn't work.
Bumping this in case someone has a solution
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It still doesn't work ! 🙄
Play services installed
Bitwarden does not have overlay nor accessibility, only the two first permissions.
Nevers used overlay and accessibility.
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For what it's worth, Proton has said autofill is an issue specifically with Graphene devices using Brave. I wish Proton, Brave, Bitwarden, Graphene could work together to fix it, assuming they're not.
Same for 1Password...
aquila-enu graphene restricts bitwarden from accessibility access. So I Dont know what your talking about
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Can confirm this issue (auto-fill does not work in Brave browser but does in Vanadium). This also appears to be a commonly reported issue both here and on Brave's forums:
I reached out to Bitwarden for support and after troubleshooting and confirming that auto-fill from Bitwarden appears to work fine in Vanadium, it was their opinion that the issue is with GrapheneOS. @matchboxbananasynergy is it appropriate to open an issue here for this? Thanks!
Could this issue be related?
Proton pass does not work on brave too
I'm not sure its a graphene issue. Bitwarden autofill works on pretty much every browser ive tested on graphene, except brave. That would mean its a brave issue. I Dont believe brave on graphene supports inline autofill
I think this quote by a GrapheneOS developer might clarify the situation somewhat:
They could add native autofill support. They appear to only have Google autofill API support, which means you need sandboxed Google Play. It's possible that feature broke with sandboxed Google Play at some point but we aren't aware of it and Brave not having working autofill isn't enough to assume it's the problem.
Relaks I have sandboxed play services installed, and it still doesnt work. I am fairly certain this problem lies on braves end
I finally manage to make Bitwarden autofill work in Brave without Gplay services.
I had to set brave://flags #enable-autofill-virtual-view-structure on enable without compatibility check.
Then you'll have a new Autofill Options in the General settings that allows you to switch from Brave Autofill to Android Autofill.
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user Ive repeated these steps, but do not see an option to switch to android autofill in the brave settings anywhere
I tried enabling every single flag in brave that had the word "password" or "autofill" in it and nothing. This has to be graphene related cause bitwarden works in brave on stock android