ToffoliGate I agree with you.
The haptics feel very strange. I am using 3-buttons-navigation and since the update the buttons don't work like before. I often have to tap a seconds time. I have the feeling that you now have to press the buttons more centrally.
GrapheneOS version 2025030800 released
SCRCPY not working after this release. Any help please
I can no longer long press the home button to call assistant app...
Just found your comments after posting a thread. Experiencing the same thing with 2025030800.
Pixel 9 Pro running 2025030800
The Messaging App isn't working in secondary profiles. It sends & receives in Owner but does neither in a secondary profile.
Other messaging apps (QUIK and Fossify) work as normal.
The issue didn't exist before the 2025030800 update.
And it fixed itself on the third restart of that profile. No clue what was going on.
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I'm using the charging limitation since the feature was introduced. I have to admit that I never recognized the occasionally full charging. Charging was always capped at 80% as expected.
Since this release, and also with the 20250309, it's not limited anymore. Was there any change in this regards? Or might the "occasionally full charge" just happened now few times in a row by chance?
Everything else works fine as before the updates. Thanks a lot for your great efforts!
Pixel 7
Everything works fine after keeping the charger connected for a while after full charge as mentioned in
Sorry for bringing this up here, didn't saw the official explanation before.
Google seriously fucked up the haptics man. I hate typing with my P8P now. Wtf. I hope this gets reverted soon. oh boi
spl4tt Downgraded to 2025021100 and the haptics work great again 😀
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I think I'm having a problem with the latest operating system version. The Pixel 8 Pro only charges at 1.8 watts. The operating system says that there are 10 minutes left, but the charge doesn't increase; it only stays at about 65% and 10 minutes left.
When I restart it, the charge speed is normal, but after a few minutes it goes back to 1.8W. This wasn't a problem a few days ago.
It has 50 full cycles of wear and 100% health according to AccuBattery.
I also noticed that the refresh rate stays at 120Hz, before it reduced to under 10Hz on static screens.
Also, the phone gets quite warm (high CPU usage?).
DeletedUser216 What way of downgrade did you chose? Just download the zip and manually install it without the -w flag?