GrapheneOS version 2025012700 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release.
GrapheneOS version 2025012700 released:
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release.
"Messaging: begin under the hood overhaul including fully porting to target API 35 (Android 15)"
Oh god yes thank you
Are their any new features that messaging can take advantage of with the port?
OfflinePuffin It's not particularly user facing but is a prerequisite to start making it into a better app.
Installing now on P9P XL... will advise if any problems encountered!
GrapheneOS I appreciate everything you do!
Out of curiosity, was porting it to API 35 all the way from API 24 particularly difficult? That seems like a big gap.
I often see (regularly updated) apps that target SDK <33 and I can't help but wonder why... can targetted SDK be a good indicator of how well their devs care about e.g. security?
Thank you so much for the fast update and the great support on this forum, much appreciated!
Now everything seems to work as intended on my test-P8 and will inform about further findings if any.
Beta-build seems working good as well on my daily driver P9P.
The changes for the Play Integrity API sound really great! Thank you!
Just had two questions about related features:
Some apps requires be installed from Play Store and do not works if detect has installed from other sources. This can be bypassed?
cdflasdkesalkjfkdfkjsdajfd Assuming they check the API during runtime, it most likely wouldn't work anyways.
Thanks! Everything works A-okay on my Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 and Pixel Tablet on 2025012700.
Those changes to the google play stuff, could they possible fix some of the apps that find grapheneos as "rooted". In Denmark, MitID app fails at the very last step of setup because of this. Even thugh i do not thinks its because of the normal stuff thank make banking apps not work (cant remember the term)
Is anyone else having issues with the camera crashing with this update? I'm getting an error message saying " has crashed" running on P7Pro with Build 2025012700
I have some crash logs but am not sure where to send them.
Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: add per-app Play Integrity menu in the per-app Settings configuration that's shown after an app uses the Play Integrity API
Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: add per-app toggle for blocking using the Play Integrity API via the per-app Play Integrity menu as a workaround for apps which ban devices based on it but don't require providing it to their service yet
Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: add shortcut to the per-app Play Integrity API menu for contacting the app developer by leaving a review through the Play Store page
Where exactly can I find these controls?
Sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer: allow blocking the Sandboxed Google Play is running notification
No effect.
IO app (italian gov ID) doesn't trig the "app is using Google Play Integrity API" notification when trying to access the features protected under that API. It still fails in the app, says: "your device is not supported". Also in the settings of IO there is not the new section like in Revolut for the new play integrity API per-app settings. The OS might be failing in catching when the app IO is attempting to use the play integrity API (or the app might be using something else to ban GrapheneOS, even though they clearly state they use play integrity API).
Also something I fail to understand is why Revolut triggers the new play integrity API notification and the per-app settings even though they are using some other 3rd party SDK and not the integrity API?
When an app uses Play integrity API, a gmscompat notification dialog comes up with 'More information' and 'Hide notification' options. Tapping 'More information' then brings you to the menue with the toggable options and app developer contact.
Rasta9 for me secure camera crashes when using selfie mode, the OS reboot and then I'm found with a kernel crash notification, but this was happening already in previous update for me.
KeePassDX suddenly can't open database because not enough memory.