Amk This information is outlined in Clause 5 of our , where it reads:

<..>To help keep your account safe, download the latest software for your mobile device and the latest version of the Revolut app as soon as they are available.

So download the latest software for your device, check GrapheneOS 2024121200
and the latest version of the Revolut app, check 10.56... and they are incompatible, check..
and there you have it, in black and white they will not help. (as is stipulated in clause 5 of our by using the app you have agreed to their terms, whether you want to or not.
Don't have a go at me I'm an outsider looking in, I don't read pages of terms and conditions either..
Forget Revolut... not easy you say, Nothing worth the hassle is!... I walked, so disgusted with them and now years later, they are no better.
GrapheneOS users world wide cant amount to more than 300,00,
GrapheneOS users that also use Revolut cant be more than a few thousand.
Revolut users on IOS or G##gle Android probably millions, you know yourselves, you are going to be ignored.
Revolut has bigger things to worry about.
Until Revolut realize that G##gle is their problem not GrapheneOS, Take your money and find another bank.

    As I said 11 days ago and my post was hidden, there is nothing to gain here. So suck it up and move on.

    • Edited

    DeletedUser64 Isn't May this year the deadline for Google's Play Integrity hardware-backed attestation? Until then, it should be possible for those with the know-how to run Revolut on custom ROMs, right?

    I'm not overly familiar with the terminology here but I was under the impression that everything should be crackable with Magisk + Zygisk and properly set MicroG until May therefore.

    brookie229 Last time I read, it was about 100 000 total GOS users, not 100. I don't think however we can know how many GOS users use Revolut

      I had a second device (Redmi Note 9S) that runs crDroid...
      I have tried to logout from Revolut app (10.58.2) then re-login with no issues.
      I think crDroid is spoofing anything that ables to login into Revolut and maybe in other apps.
      Can this hack be included in GrapheneOS as an option?

      • de0u replied to this.

        There are probably 2 or 3 hundred thousand total GOS users but only a tiny fraction of that number actually needs and uses that particular banking app. No one from North America, for instance, would need it. One or two hundred is a wild guess. Of course, I don't know the actual number but it's pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

          cdflasdkesalkjfkdfkjsdajfd Can this hack be included in GrapheneOS as an option?

          This question has arisen before, and the official response has been that it doesn't make sense to add spoofing code that is already becoming less useful (as more apps switch to Play Integrity) and is scheduled to stop working soon when Google turns off the previous system (source).

            oK, I stand corrected but I stand by my premise that there just aren't enough users, really anywhere, for them to justify making changes. You, and dozens of other Americans use Revolut, I guess.


              Not unlike Whatsapp, Revolut is wildly popular the absolute market leader in its realm abroad while barely an afterthought here in the states. Still, "dozens" is a gross underestimate. Maybe you meant dozens of US based GOS users use Revolut. In that case, I concur. Your point remains understood, either way and you are right about the lacking demand.

              Personally, I only use Revolut bc their currency transfer rates are a wide margin, in fact. Super beneficial for frequent/extended international travel.

              de0u Have you red this? It seems a official answer by GrapheneOS...

              We're going to be adding a toggle for blocking the Play Integrity API in a way that acts as if the service is currently down. We've found that many apps do not correctly use it and still allow using the app if it's unavailable because their service only has soft enforcement of the Play Integrity API. It's possible this will be enough to get Revolut working but we don't know at this point. They're going out of the way to try banning using alternate OSes and can upgrade that over time.


                cdflasdkesalkjfkdfkjsdajfd Have you [read] this?

                Yes. That wouldn't be spoofing code in the sense of faking a result (it would be a non-result). And if it's implemented I'll be surprised if it works for more than three months. But my skepticism might turn out to be wrong!

                For those looking for an alternative, N26 currently works on gOS, still isn't really as good as Revolut though.

                RESOLVED. The current REVOLUT version of in Aurora detects graphenOS and does not let it run, this is a problem I hope the GrapheneOS people fix it because other apps can be updated and stop working in GrapheneOS.

                To fix it, you only need to install the previous version 10.52.1

                1. Uninstall the apps.
                2. You install it from Aurora manually, giving it up to the points, and then to manual download, it will ask you for a version code, and you enter the code of the version 10.52.1 (at least this version has worked perfectly in grapheneOS, even without Google Services) the code is 1005304781


                  Jirafa And does that version actually let you sign in and use the app actively without forcing you to upgrade to a newer version? 10.52.1 is an even older version than 10.54, which is now blocked from being used after you have signed in.

                  And even if it does work now, it would be wise to not rely on it to keep working into the future. They are almost definitely going to ban older versions from being used to connect to their servers in the future.

                    fid02 Nope, looks like the old versions simply don't work.

                    Jirafa In the end, this is just an artificial extension of life. The machines still work but the brain has long been dead. How long will this work with old versions...

                    gethvi How can i downgrade an app in a secure way?

                      Jirafa We can't fix apps going out of the way to ban using GrapheneOS. It's not a technical problem or something missing on GrapheneOS. It's these apps using the Play Integrity API to ban using any aftermarket OS or device not certified by Google. It's highly anti-competitive and clearly illegal but happening anyway. Regulators and courts move slowly and don't have much technical knowledge. Google is trying to mask it as being for security purposes to justify the anti-competitive behavior. People shouldn't fall for it. Permitting a device with no security patches for 8 years but banning a far more secure OS than the most secure one they permit (stock Pixel OS) is clearly not a security-based decision. They provide no way for GrapheneOS to be permitted and most of what companies have to comply with to be certified is not security related but rather Google defending their monopolies and overall business interests.

                        Magic gethvi How can i downgrade an app in a secure way?

                        You can't do that without first uninstalling the app, because of Android's downgrade protection. The info you're replying to is outdated and Revolut now blocks using version 10.54 and probably older versions as well. The recent report of an even older version than that now suddenly working isn't clear.