stockmaster you are being very rude over a very trivial thing here buddy. This is the worst attitude to have in life, honestly.
built in so many useless system apps and can't to uninstall just only because its secure
That's how Android works. Apps are installed in a separate partition and can't be uninstalled when they are shipped as part of the "product" partition. You will find the same behavior on every single Android flavor. If it is useless for you, doesn't mean it's useless for other people. The phone app is also useless for me, maybe we should get rid of it too for all users then? How about the system DNS resolver, it's bloat, right? I think the right approach would be to ship the OS without any apps and let the user install them via adb. Doesn't that sound amazing?
Apple IOS allowed EU users delete system apps even Safari, Camera and App Store
The change hasn't even rolled out and there's no news on when it will. As far as I know you will only be able to uninstall Safari. I would love to know how you can reinstall the App Store once you delete it.
i just hope PDF viewer can uninstall in settings, not everyone need looking PDF files daily
I repeat: just disable it.