
  • 11 days ago
  • Joined Nov 4, 2024
  • DeletedUser87 no that's not my view, i think we need to find a balance point, a normal operating system, built in system apps only because its most users needed, DNS resolver are very matter because almost everyone have to use it, but PDF viewer, i don't think this is most users needed. seriously, for most users, clock and PDF viewer are same not required, if delete it will no any effect for life

    DeletedUser87 If it is useless for you, doesn't mean it's useless for other people

    all apps in the world are also useful for other people, this is why developer make them, lets built in all these apps to GrapheneOS

    DeletedUser87 The change hasn't even rolled out and there's no news on when it will. As far as I know you will only be able to uninstall Safari. I would love to know how you can reinstall the App Store once you delete it.

    DeletedUser87 I repeat: just disable it.

    yes, you are abosolutly right, lets built in all apps in the world to GrapheneOS, and disable all useless apps

    • GrapheneOS so GrapheneOS also should be built in a VPN client, a Drive client, and more google shit alternatives right? if PDF viewer its here, why not Docx viewer, Xlsx viewer, PPT viewer? finally we can get a system that is built in so many useless system apps and can't to uninstall just only because its secure. Apple IOS allowed EU users delete system apps even Safari, Camera and App Store, i think GrapheneOS can do it better. i looked these reply and i know the PDF viewer as a standalone is impossible, i just hope PDF viewer can uninstall in settings, not everyone need looking PDF files daily

      • TheAwesomenESQ so, i just hope GrapheneOS can remove PDF viewer from built in apps, thats a good app, should be able to allow users install this app from store as well, are not be built in

      • AlphaElwedritsch what, but it still not a reason about PDF viewer is a required option of GrapheneOS, as of now i never use PDF viewer, not everyone also need looking PDF document daily, i know the PDF viewer are very secure but its useless

        • nobody talk about why GrapheneOS built-in PDF viewer and can not be uninstall, that's no make sence, PDF viewer need to as a standlone applications, seriously in 2024, most browser can able to open PDF files, and usually most people have to from browser if want to download PDF, and also local PDF files can able to open through browser too, so please change PDF viewer to a standlone app pls.
          (just my view, if is impossible please tell me how to uninstall PDF viewer, if is still impossible please tell me)