stockmaster if it bothers you so much, just disable it. The difference between disabling and uninstalling will be a few Mb of saved storage space. If you really want to get rid of it, you can uninstall it via ADB (although I highly recommend against that, since it might break some system components. You have been warned). As you can already see from other responses, it doesn't seem to bother other people nearly as much, so I highly doubt the devs will make it a standalone app when it server pretty much a built-in system function.

    stockmaster The GrapheneOS team has decided, as part of their security focus, to ship a hardened browser (Vanadium) and also a hardened PDF viewer. Obviously users can install other browsers if they choose to, and also other PDF viewers. But it seems unlikely that the GrapheneOS team will remove the hardened PDF viewer unless a strong rationale is provided.

    Can you provide examples of how it would be better for users if the GrapheneOS team decided to stop shipping the PDF viewer?

      de0u and yes, because it's just there and despite its simplicity, I find it my go to PDF viewer and I don't feel like I am missing out on something (features).

      Just to note, from what I understand, Vanadium cannot read PDF files, it opens the PDF viewer to read PDF files. So it would be a hit to functionality to remove it.

      The real question is how come when I open a .PDF from my email in it, there is no option to search the document for keywords?

        DeletedUser87 The difference between disabling and uninstalling will be a few Mb of saved storage space.

        It won't free any space as system apps are allocated a certain amount of storage so there is no reason to uninstall.

        That being said, I don't love the PDF viewer; it's not very convenient to tap an arrow key each time to scroll, or the inability to go to a certain page number or search for text. But it's a safe PDF viewer that doesn't support JavaScript (I believe so) and it gives me ease of mind.

          DeletedUser87 Uninstalling system packages from profiles is completely unsupported, not something that should ever be done and will not save any storage space. Apps included with the OS are not in the data partition but rather part of the OS images and therefore do not use any space available for data. The overall amount of space reserved for the OS is fixed and only limits how much can be bundled into it. It does not make any difference to the available storage space.

            GrapheneOS Thanks for the reply. Sometimes it's easy to forget the devs can't wave the magic wand and make every feature appear.

            yore the inability to go to a certain page number

            There is such a function, only it is very not obvious.
            Three dots --> "Jump to page" --> in the menu click on the open page number and enter the number manually from the keyboard.

            • yore replied to this.

              GrapheneOS so GrapheneOS also should be built in a VPN client, a Drive client, and more google shit alternatives right? if PDF viewer its here, why not Docx viewer, Xlsx viewer, PPT viewer? finally we can get a system that is built in so many useless system apps and can't to uninstall just only because its secure. Apple IOS allowed EU users delete system apps even Safari, Camera and App Store, i think GrapheneOS can do it better. i looked these reply and i know the PDF viewer as a standalone is impossible, i just hope PDF viewer can uninstall in settings, not everyone need looking PDF files daily

                stockmaster you are being very rude over a very trivial thing here buddy. This is the worst attitude to have in life, honestly.

                built in so many useless system apps and can't to uninstall just only because its secure

                That's how Android works. Apps are installed in a separate partition and can't be uninstalled when they are shipped as part of the "product" partition. You will find the same behavior on every single Android flavor. If it is useless for you, doesn't mean it's useless for other people. The phone app is also useless for me, maybe we should get rid of it too for all users then? How about the system DNS resolver, it's bloat, right? I think the right approach would be to ship the OS without any apps and let the user install them via adb. Doesn't that sound amazing?

                Apple IOS allowed EU users delete system apps even Safari, Camera and App Store

                The change hasn't even rolled out and there's no news on when it will. As far as I know you will only be able to uninstall Safari. I would love to know how you can reinstall the App Store once you delete it.

                i just hope PDF viewer can uninstall in settings, not everyone need looking PDF files daily

                I repeat: just disable it.

                  DeletedUser87 calm down mate, no need to get upset over other if you can call it peoples ignorance, I have learned from my mistakes.

                  DeletedUser161 Three dots --> "Jump to page"

                  You're right! I had never seen that before :)

                  DeletedUser87 no that's not my view, i think we need to find a balance point, a normal operating system, built in system apps only because its most users needed, DNS resolver are very matter because almost everyone have to use it, but PDF viewer, i don't think this is most users needed. seriously, for most users, clock and PDF viewer are same not required, if delete it will no any effect for life

                  DeletedUser87 If it is useless for you, doesn't mean it's useless for other people

                  all apps in the world are also useful for other people, this is why developer make them, lets built in all these apps to GrapheneOS

                  DeletedUser87 The change hasn't even rolled out and there's no news on when it will. As far as I know you will only be able to uninstall Safari. I would love to know how you can reinstall the App Store once you delete it.

                  DeletedUser87 I repeat: just disable it.

                  yes, you are abosolutly right, lets built in all apps in the world to GrapheneOS, and disable all useless apps


                    PDF viewer, i don't think this is most users needed. seriously, for most users, clock and PDF viewer are same not required, if delete it will no any effect for life

                    Great for you but I kinda want to view PDF files every few days and set an alarm to wake up in the morning. I live in the city and can't afford to keep a rooster on my balcony.
                    I'm honestly too tired to argue about this nothingburger. The PDF viewer stays anyway, end of story. If you want it removed, build GrapheneOS yourself and take it out. This is my last reply, so have a nice day!