hi, noticed that since the release of A15 the app.vanadium.trichromelibrary apps are shown and it's kinda annoying to see them messing up my apps, plus they all have dynamic code loading enabled, and settings force close when tapping on storage & cache.

I'm tempted to uninstall them all since it appears possible, can I do that or will I break stuff?


    prompter I'm tempted to uninstall them all since it appears possible, can I do that or will I break stuff?

    No, you should uninstall them all according to GrapheneOS developers. Do it in each secondary user you may have first, and then lastly in the owner profile. It is a bug in previous GrapheneOS versions based on Android 14 that has caused some old app state to be left when the Vanadium app was upgraded. This bug has always been there, it is just that in Android 15 the old left over app state suddenly got visible. Just uninstall them to remove that old app state. It isn't used, and won't break anything.

    When trying to change the privacy settings for saved wifi networks (in particular "send device name"), the dialog repeatedly crashes if the network SSID includes a "/" character. I will try to test more when I get home.

      Got an error with the Hotspot Feature. After the last device leaves the Hotspot the Hotspot was throwing this error
      The Hotspot isn't usable then anymore. I'll try to reboot now and hope it fixes it.
      Device is a P8P.

      Edit: Reboot fixes the problem. Changed the default setting from WPA2/WPA3 to WPA3 only.

      type: crash
      osVersion: google/husky/husky:15/AP3A.241005.015/2024101801:user/release-keys
      uid: 1010 (u:r:hal_wifi_ext:s0)
      cmdline: /apex/com.google.pixel.wifi.ext/bin/hw/vendor.google.wifi_ext-service-vendor
      processUptime: 0s
      signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code 9 (SEGV_MTESERR), faultAddr 900bd9eda51e40c
      threadName: binder:1040_3
      MTE: enabled
          /apex/com.google.pixel.wifi.ext/lib64/libwifi-hal.so (SetLogHandler::cancel()+340, pc 53a54)
          /apex/com.google.pixel.wifi.ext/lib64/libwifi-hal.so (wifi_get_cancel_cmd(int, wifi_interface_info*) (.cfi)+140, pc 3180c)
          /apex/com.google.pixel.wifi.ext/bin/hw/vendor.google.wifi_ext-service-vendor (aidl::android::hardware::wifi::WifiChip::stopLoggingToDebugRingBuffer()+140, pc 4610c)
          /apex/com.google.pixel.wifi.ext/lib64/android.hardware.wifi-V2-ndk.so (aidl::android::hardware::wifi::_aidl_android_hardware_wifi_IWifiChip_onTransact(AIBinder*, unsigned int, AParcel const*, AParcel*)+4248, pc 445f8)
          /system/lib64/libbinder_ndk.so (ABBinder::onTransact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+140, pc 15b9c)
          /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::executeCommand(int)+1220, pc 595a4)
          /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+684, pc 584cc)
          /system/lib64/libbinder.so (android::PoolThread::threadLoop()+28, pc 6fcbc)
          /system/lib64/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+376, pc 16ef8)
          /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+200, pc 7ba38)
          /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__start_thread+68, pc 6b6c4)

        Got it running, no issues so far.
        Btw, anyone know how to access Private Space files from PC via USB?

        Also, installed Google Camera in Private Space, when zoomed in resolution seems much lower than stock camera.

          whambam Btw, anyone know how to access Private Space files from PC via USB?

          As far as I can tell, you can't get access to the home folder of Private Space through MTP. I attempted this on stock PixelOS as well, connecting by USB to Windows, and I could access the Owner's home folder but not the one for Private Space (yes, Private Space was unlocked at the time).

          Accessing a USB drive plugged into the device works fine on stock, though.

            I can hardly imagine how much GOS team has been/is working the last days and right now to make sure everything runs properly and all issues are fixed (and everything is communicated so clearly).

            Grateful - thanks so much for your efforts to make GOS run properly on Android 15!

              Murcielago I can hardly imagine how much GOS team has been/is working the last days and right now to make sure everything runs properly and all issues are fixed (and everything is communicated so clearly).

              Yes, the devs hibernate for a week previous to all big Android releases, so that they can work for a week straight after, no sleep at all. It is said.

              other8026 I noticed that I couldn't start a private space while I had a session in another user profile open. After closing the session I could start the private space and see it on the app drawer with the default launcher.

                Michiel I noticed that I couldn't start a private space while I had a session in another user profile open.

                I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly... Are you saying that if you have another active secondary profile (not owner), you can't unlock the private space? If not, what do you mean by "session"?

                I just tried myself on my old phone and it worked for me, but I haven't updated to the latest release.

                  other8026 I tried to install a private space for the first time from settings, but it did not work (instead it did the privacy check) when I had a user profile running in the background. But it was able to install it after this user profile session was closed.

                    Michiel just tried that as well, but it worked for me. This is what I did:

                    • factory reset my phone
                    • set up owner
                    • set up a secondary profile that can run in the background
                    • set up private space in the owner profile
                    • unlock private space

                    Michiel instead it did the privacy check

                    Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by this.

                      other8026 I tried to repeat it, but it works now. Maybe a reboot in between did the trick. The privacy check (or scan) is the top option in the Security and Privacy menu in Settings.