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  • Request for testing and feedback with Bluetooth on Android 14 QPR2 GrapheneOS

matchboxbananasynergy I understand all that, but I prefer to trail, for reasons like this, I did the same with my iPhone, I usually hold off and see if any issues arise.

Waiting a week will not compromise my security and should not cause any issues, Im one that only seeks help after an update breaks my crap, or some horrible company removes a feature I had on my device with an "firmware update" for my "security" if get my meaning.

Having a roll back update button would be nice for quick diagnostics.

    emacsomancer For the Pebble 2 HR no I am re-adding it but not removing it. Gadgetbridge lets you pair devices that are already "cards" in the device list. So I just go to add device, select the device again, go through the whole pairing dance I described before, and it eventually connects using the same card so I don't lose any data.

    I just tried after tonight's update and I didn't have to go through the re-pair dance though, the P2HR just connected on boot like it's suppose to. I haven't tested the Pebble Time yet though.

    emacsomancer Situation has not changed with the Pebble Time. If I reboot both the watch and the phone and attempt to pair the Pebble Time I can get a pairing dialog on the watch and the phone, accepting both results in the little happy heart symbol on the watch but gadgetbridge enters a neverending spinning cycle of trying to connect. It is not able to even after a restart.

      xaz2fiaghi Yes I have somewhat similar results with my gear, Ive just disabled Bluetooth for now as its causing some series battery drain issues.

      Are there any updates to this problem? Are the dev's aware/working on it? It seems like they pushed the blame to the android os update being the issue, but I can't seem to find anyone who has that issue on the stock OS. (In fact, someone above posted they went back to stock and their watch works now).

      I don't mind waiting a week or two because I get this takes time. If its not even on the radar to fix, I may be flashing back to stock to prevent my watch being a $600 paperweight.

        This is how I feel as well. It would be good to at least hear something about it being on the radar. I guess I'll wait a couple more days and if Bluetooth is still broken will have to flash stock, buy a couple Titan keys. Having a phone with malfunctioning Bluetooth is a whole level beyond having a few broken apps.

          emacsomancer is it possible to use Gadgetbridge with Samsung Watch6? I didn't think that was supported.

          Psymos p0well34 It appears the issue that most people had with Bluetooth because of an upstream bug was already fixed. See this post: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/11383-request-for-testing-and-feedback-with-bluetooth-on-android-14-qpr2-grapheneos/24. Make sure you have updated your phone to the latest version and try again.

          If a Bluetooth device isn't working after updating, then see this post by the project account: https://discuss.grapheneos.org/d/11383-request-for-testing-and-feedback-with-bluetooth-on-android-14-qpr2-grapheneos/43

            Thanks for replying. The first topic you posted refers to Galaxy Buds not a watch. The second was before users reported that their devices worked with the watch after flashing the stock image. Just looking for a solution none the less.

            I did receive an email telling me that i wouldn't get anymore replies to this discussion until i was up to date. Aren't the updates anonymous? What makes you think I personally am not up to date? Just curious why I wouldn't be able to take part of this discussion while looking for a solution? I hope I'm not being reprimanded for being a part of this discussion. Thank you

              Can also report the issue with Galaxy Watches is happening to me.

              Galaxy Watch 5, Pixel 8 Pro, both updated to current version (stable).
              Watch appears to be constantly reconnecting, draining battery, as others described. Haven't tested stock OS, but I imagine if this was a problem in the stock firmware I'd find something online about it, which I don't.

              Also, as long as the watch is trying to connect to the phone, connecting to other bluetooth devices also mostly won't work anymore. If I shutdown the watch, everything works normally.

              p0well34 I think what they meant was that someone who previously had an issue with Bluetooth connectivity confirmed that the latest release fixed the problem. I also had a device that wasn't connecting and started working after the update. The update wasn't just to fix headphones, it was to fix a bug in upstream AOSP code.

              I now know of 3 people who are reporting issues with their Samsung watches. One person posted logs, but I didn't see anything in the logs. I just checked the listing on Google Play and it looks like multiple people are complaining about the same problem that you're reporting. So, it appears the issue might be affecting people with the Stock OS too if they've updated to a post QPR2 release.

                Seems there's a misunderstanding about something here. Locking while I explain.

                p0well34 I did receive an email telling me that i wouldn't get anymore replies to this discussion until i was up to date.

                This is a Flarum thing, not a GrapheneOS thing. If you don't know, Flarum is the software that runs this forum. I get the same emails. It's just saying that you will not get more emails about a discussion you're following until you're caught up. This isn't something we do or have control of on our end.

                p0well34 Just curious why I wouldn't be able to take part of this discussion while looking for a solution? I hope I'm not being reprimanded for being a part of this discussion.

                Although this was already answered, I will say again very clearly here: no, you aren't being reprimanded or anything like that. It's just the forum software.

                p0well34 Aren't the updates anonymous? What makes you think I personally am not up to date?

                If you're referring to OS updates, we don't have any information about that. Please read this section of the website for detailed information about default connections, including connections made while performing OS updates: https://grapheneos.org/faq#default-connections. Also, please refer to the privacy policy.

                Psymos what?! That's crazy! I am up to date and still have issues.

                See my previous response to @p0well34. Based on comments left on the Play Store about the Galaxy Wearable app, it appears that many are experiencing issues after the QPR2 update on more than just GrapheneOS. As far as I know, the vast majority of Bluetooth issues were resolved by a recent update.

                Psymos If this is true...so much for a privacy based OS.

                I am unsure what you mean here, but it seems as if you're responding to a different post and may be alluding to something about GrapheneOS not living up to its reputation for being a private and privacy-respecting OS. That's absolutely not the case.


                  The Flarum Software said I wouldn't receive any more notifications until I'm up to date. haha. Maybe it meant up to date on notifications? I wrote to Google and asked if there's been reports of Smart Watches Bluetooth connection breaking after the QPR2 release. Waiting for a response. Thanks again.

                    p0well34 Maybe it meant up to date on notifications?

                    Yes. The forum keeps track of what you've read, so it won't send emails until it sees you're caught up with the discussion. I'm guessing Flarum did it that way so servers won't get reported for sending out spam.

                    p0well34 I wrote to Google and asked if there's been reports of Smart Watches Bluetooth connection breaking after the QPR2 release. Waiting for a response.

                    If you hear back, please let us know.

                      other8026 , it appears the issue might be affecting people with the Stock OS too if they've updated to a post QPR2 release.

                      This is not true. I have confirmed that the issue with Samsung watches does not occur on the QPR2 stock OS. While you are correct that the Samsung Wearable app is really buggy, it does work on stock OS.

                      On GrapheneOS, the watch can only be connected to the phone during pairing (either directly in system settings or with the Samsung app). After disconnecting the watch, it cannot be connected again without removing it from saved Bluetooth devices first. The phone constantly tries to connect to the watch, as can be seen by the Galaxy Watch constantly jumping between the 'connected devices' and 'saved devices' sections in Bluetooth settings.
                      This strange behavior is exclusive to GrapheneOS and has been reported by a few other people here.

                      Just got off the phone with Google. Explained the problem we're all having. They actually had a few people trying to trouble shoot with me. One person said " We've cross checked our resources regarding this and we do not have any updates regarding such issues on Pixel devices".
                      So they have not heard of this problem thus far. All the trouble shooting they suggested I've already done.


                      Having a roll back update button would be nice for quick diagnostics.

                      That's not possible. The data was migrated to the new version and won't work with the old version anymore.

                      It would also be insecure. It would require disabling verified boot and update downgrade protection. That's not going to happen. We don't disable standard Android security features, it's not the kind of project it is.

                      We're currently working on the Wi-Fi hotspot after factory reset issue. We can't yet replicate any of the other Bluetooth issues. We need clear information on which device model, GrapheneOS version and Bluetooth peripheral any remaining issues occur with and people also ideally need to test the stock OS release of QPR2. It's not helpful to test the stock OS QPR1 release. We need more complete info about the peripherals which still have issues. Also, if the peripheral is tied to an app, please try exploit protection compatibility mode for that app.