p0well34 I did receive an email telling me that i wouldn't get anymore replies to this discussion until i was up to date.
This is a Flarum thing, not a GrapheneOS thing. If you don't know, Flarum is the software that runs this forum. I get the same emails. It's just saying that you will not get more emails about a discussion you're following until you're caught up. This isn't something we do or have control of on our end.
p0well34 Just curious why I wouldn't be able to take part of this discussion while looking for a solution? I hope I'm not being reprimanded for being a part of this discussion.
Although this was already answered, I will say again very clearly here: no, you aren't being reprimanded or anything like that. It's just the forum software.
p0well34 Aren't the updates anonymous? What makes you think I personally am not up to date?
If you're referring to OS updates, we don't have any information about that. Please read this section of the website for detailed information about default connections, including connections made while performing OS updates: https://grapheneos.org/faq#default-connections. Also, please refer to the privacy policy.
Psymos what?! That's crazy! I am up to date and still have issues.
See my previous response to @p0well34. Based on comments left on the Play Store about the Galaxy Wearable app, it appears that many are experiencing issues after the QPR2 update on more than just GrapheneOS. As far as I know, the vast majority of Bluetooth issues were resolved by a recent update.
Psymos If this is true...so much for a privacy based OS.
I am unsure what you mean here, but it seems as if you're responding to a different post and may be alluding to something about GrapheneOS not living up to its reputation for being a private and privacy-respecting OS. That's absolutely not the case.