ErnestThornhill yeah, really sorry, but certificating a medical device for big pharma takes approx 10 years, so I am not going to change this. Also, I am using a STABLE version of GOS for good reasons, so it would be unwise for me to run medical devices on GOS beta/alpha (hence the shock after the update).

As with other settings in the app, would it be please possible to introduce some weaker protections/exceptions, to make these devices work (similar to the exceptions under Settings > Apps > exploit protection compatibility mode / hardened memory allocator / etc)?

    GrapheneOS Apologies, I used the wrong wording. Should have said known issue - thank you for the correction !

    The biometric prompt missing when switching profiles issue is resolved for me after this update on my Pixel 6a.


    Yes, I can affirm the vibration problem when I unlock the phone with the fingerprint. I keep my haptic and vibrations totally off as I don't like engaging the vibration sensor but its now getting engaged when I unlock the phone with my fingerprint. I hope this is fixed soon.

    My Samsung Galaxy watch is no longer able to connect after the update. I can see the watch in the Bluetooth devices but the wearable app no longer connects to the watch.

    Is it just me who got no click sound when clicking on developer options?

    My Samsung watch also no longer connects to my phone. Its only a 3 month old watch.

      My watch as well. Need this fixed ASAP. Training is my job and I need this to connect.

      Is the color for the icons and options in anyone else's notifications a shade of blue since yesterday's update?

      my apps no longer have "battery optimization" options... i have an "allow background usage" toggle instead. And now all my apps have that toggle enabled.... is this what is intended to happen?