GrapheneOS Ok, understood
GrapheneOS version 2024030800 released
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Yes, I can affirm the vibration problem when I unlock the phone with the fingerprint. I keep my haptic and vibrations totally off as I don't like engaging the vibration sensor but its now getting engaged when I unlock the phone with my fingerprint. I hope this is fixed soon.
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My Samsung Galaxy watch is no longer able to connect after the update. I can see the watch in the Bluetooth devices but the wearable app no longer connects to the watch.
Is it just me who got no click sound when clicking on developer options?
My Samsung watch also no longer connects to my phone. Its only a 3 month old watch.
My watch as well. Need this fixed ASAP. Training is my job and I need this to connect.
As previously stated: Please provide the feedback requested in
Why is the Bluetooth quick tile changed? I now have to click the quick tile then slide a switch. I used to just push it once.
Psymos my watch is only 2mts.
Is the color for the icons and options in anyone else's notifications a shade of blue since yesterday's update?
GrapheneOS Is really just a vendetta issue or just lspatch as a whole thats been fucked by qpr2?
kyooh As stated, the developer is doing broken things which stopped working in the new quarterly release of Android. According to, the app has been discontinued, which would explain why they haven't fixed it.
ErnestThornhill I'm asking cause all my apps that used lspatch stopped working alongside it
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my apps no longer have "battery optimization" options... i have an "allow background usage" toggle instead. And now all my apps have that toggle enabled.... is this what is intended to happen?
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We've found and fixed an upstream Android 14 QPR2 use-after-free bug with Bluetooth LE audio discovered via our hardware memory tagging support on the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro. It is likely causing issues on all devices, not only 8th gen, it was just easy to fix it via MTE catching it as it happened. We'll be making a new release later today with our fix. This thread we posted across platforms has more info (note it was posted before we found and resolved the issue):
GrapheneOS GOS Devs are amazing... Oh how I wish GOS ran on my laptop 😝
Is it anybody else who has no click sound when clicking on developer option in the settungs? Thank.
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Thanks for your excellent work!
Connectivity for my galaxy watch also seems to have broken after the update. Just installed today's update but no change so far. Bluetooth seems to connect and disconnect in an endless loop. App reports that Google mobile services is updating. Tried resetting the watch and it actually worked for a short while (but the the same issue reappears).
XxTriviumxX my apps no longer have "battery optimization" options... i have an "allow background usage" toggle instead
I was to ask the same, there where 3 options, now there's a toggle only. I assume there'll be a note on that in the changelog soon...
XxTriviumxX and @TRInvictus I ran into the same issue today. It turns out, the options are still there. But finding them is perhaps somewhat counterintuitive. Instead of tapping directly on the (now new) toggle, simply tap to the left of it, i.e., where it says "Allow background usage," or on any other part of that option, other than on the toggle itself. You'll then navigate to a screen where you can select between Optimized
and Unrestricted,
just as before.
If you wish to set an app to Restricted
mode, simply toggle off Allow background usage
for the app. This is the same as previous Restricted