sheesh54 But remember no one has had problems running their VPN over WIFI. This is a carrier issue so it is possible that it could be how the VPN is communicating with the carriers network.
VPN Issues On And Off
Yes I am aware of that, maybe someone else can confirm if they are having Wireguard issues
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sheesh54 please update to the latest beta release and let me know if this assists at all see announcement thread.
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T-Mobile custom APN settings didn't help me and neither did the latest update. I use NordVPN WireGuard, but switching to OpenVPN doesn't help either.
T-Mobile doesn't work via IPv4 at all in my area. If I use custom APN settings and select IPv4 or IPv4/IPv6, then I don't get any data conneciton regardless of VPN Lockdown usage. Exclusive IPv6 is the only functional APN setting for me that allows for data to work...
I wish I knew more about the issue. There is a commit for it that describes eBPF changes, but that's too advanced for me. It has something to do with how VPN Lockdown setting treats inbound traffic on IPv6 networks.
At least in my case, I get a good stable connection once I enable Airplane mode, disable VPN Lockdown, disable Airplane mode, connect to VPN, and re-enable VPN lockdown.
I'm curious to know whether Google is aware of this issue and is actually planning to fix it? Has Google even confirmed awareness of this problem?
I'd like to alert T-Mobile, Google, and VPN providers about this issue, but have no idea how to get to the right level of tech support and what information to provide. It has to be something specific network engineers can work with.
Has the latest (October 2022) update fixed this issue for anyone? It didn't do so for me and Google didn't mention anything about it in its release notes. I doubt Google is ever going to fix this problem.
This issue is big enough for almost all my clients to want to either downgrade to Android 12 or move to a different carrier that doesn't use IPv6 or at least doesn't use IPv6 exclusively.
it has not fixed mine (TMobile).
I'd like to know where to track this upstream issue, if anyone can tell us.
Fhggyy5767 I'm having problems getting the VPN working over WiFi now too.
I'm sorry to hear that. I have no idea why this fixed my issue. Has anyone else reported it working to fix their issue? People never post about success stories. lol
I think it is possible that Google simply isn't going to fix this issue... The positive side is that this problem makes VPN Lockdown more restrictive compared to VPN Lockdown that offers exceptions for affected 464XLAT networks.
Fhggyy5767 Yeah, most unfortunate. Makes the device practically unusable for me. Worked for a while after disabling the option "stop running in the background if not active" but broke again after a while.
DesktopCloneLanguage have you tried using Open VPN for Android and downloading manual configurations from your provider? That's the app I'm using. It gives you lots of control like split tunneling but will shut off all connections when your data usage reaches a minimal level and the screen is off. Your phone and text still work until you turn the screen back on. This is a shot in the dark but it is the app I'm using with manual Nord configurations downloaded
Fhggyy5767 when I say above "until the screen turns back on" I'm trying to say that the data will turn back on not that the phone and messages are affected in any way. Let me know if it helps you. Good luck
I don't know why nobody is fixing this. Seems like such an integral part of the OS.
Fhggyy5767 Tried the OpenVPN app but same problems persist. Does not work with WiFi. Works with mobile (maybe only for a while)...
This issue, supposedly, only affects a small number of people, which is why fixing it is not a priority for Google. Its considered an "Upstream" issue and is to be resolved by Google, not GrapheneOS.
OpenSource-Ghost I know that info.
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I'm surprised that this fix worked for me when I was having the same problem as everyone else. Makes me think the fix "upstream" shouldn't be that tuff for google. Also, why does my brother with the same phone and service but not on GOS not having this problem? Now, I didn't just say it's a problem with GOS. I'm just curious why it's so random that we have the same device, share VPN provider account and he didn't have to do anything to get his VPN up and running setup exactly like mine. Such a random, strange issue for few.
OpenSource-Ghost Well I'm back in the club after the last update. I'm blown away. Back to using the workaround
What is the workaround you are having success with?