soon404 Doesn't really seem like there's a way to make a completely anonymous one.
There is:
If by anonymous you mean that they don't know who you are, then this is anonymous. You are not giving up personal information.
soon404 Besides, won't having play store installed on the device just have it in the background.."spying"? Or won't it know my activities on apps and therefore be able to technically profile who I am?
That's not how it works, not at all. Play Store can't see your activities in other apps. Play Services on GrapheneOS run in the standard app sandbox, without the privileged access it has on stock OS. In other words, it cannot do anything more than any other app you install on your phone.
Being an app store, it will need to see which apps you install and have installed. Like any other app, it can collect your activities within the Play Store app itself. Of course also your IP address, if that matters to you.
I've basically paraphrased the entry about Sandboxed Google Play on
soon404 I've seen people say to download them on a different profile but I don't really understand the benefits of this, still a big noob lol
There are several benefits to user profiles. But as a new user, I personally recommend not using them unless you have a clear reason to do so. I'm not saying that to dissuade the usage of profiles in general. Rather, I'm observing many users who start out by separating their apps into two or more profiles, because they think this is a necessity to use GrapheneOS (it's not; it's your choice) and then come here and express how exhausted they are with constantly switching between profiles, and then saying that GrapheneOS is not for them because it's too tiring.
It's interesting to discuss privacy practices, but when installing GrapheneOS for the first time, I recommend starting out simple. Use the Play Store, install the apps you usually use, then slowly go from there based on what you want/need further.