It got worse... I now need to reboot the phone to see the SMS message in the Owner profile when I was in a secondary user profile when it was delivered. It doesn't happen consistently but often enough.

Have you perhaps changed some settings in the default SMS app? Maybe long press Messaging icon>App info> Storage & cache>clear storage + clear cache helps?

If you have installed another SMS app in addition to the default messaging app, you could also (temporarily) uninstall it to rule it out as a source of error.

Also make sure that cross-profile notifications are activated in all profiles in which the notifications should arrive: settings>system>multiple users>send notifications to current user.

    7 days later

    Murcielago Have you perhaps changed some settings in the default SMS app? Maybe long press Messaging icon>App info> Storage & cache>clear storage + clear cache helps?

    I have tried this it does not seem to help.

    Murcielago If you have installed another SMS app in addition to the default messaging app, you could also (temporarily) uninstall it to rule it out as a source of error.

    QKSMS was actually much more reliable in terms of receiving SMS in other profiles but I switched back to the default as it does not seem that app is actively developed. This issue also happened regularly with the simple mobile tools sms app, and I am assuming it probably does with the Fossify version of that app as well.

    Murcielago Also make sure that cross-profile notifications are activated in all profiles in which the notifications should arrive: settings>system>multiple users>send notifications to current user.

    This was the first thing i checked but I appreciate you mentioning it.

    10 months later

    @GrapheneOS This is still an ongoing issue for me. Currently its taken the form of one of three profiles does not receive texts. It used to be I could at least use QUIK / QKSMS to sync messages and grab texts that way but currently the best the profile will do is show a notification saying a text was received but wont actually show the message, regardless of SMS app.

    Is this just an AOSP issue that has no real solution at the time?

    3 months later

    Hi all,

    Having Similar issue here: I can receive SMS on the Admin / Owner account, but I do not received anything on my user account. Notifications across users are enabled, I tried to wipe SMS App cache, but did not help, now the SMS app is empty on the user side (tries to "load conversations" endlessly) and I can only access SMS on the Admin / Owner account ...
    I'm up to date but still with the issue ...
    What's going on ? What should I do ?
    Thanks for any advice.

    A quick reply: Don't know why / how ... but installing another SMS App (Installed SMS from Fossify ...) Giving it the rights to be the default SMS app, allowed me to read back SMS from my user account ...
    Reverting back to the old legacy SMS app ... and I can now access my SMS again from there ...
    Really weird bug ... but seems "workaroundable" in some way ...

      ulysse31 schweizer

      Thanks for reporting back! That information may well help other users.

      Can confirm ulysse31's workaround worked as well as started having the same issue.

      @Overlay1404 I struggled with the same issue for several days. Nothing solved my problem and I ended up factory resetting the phone and using the Owner user only (no other users) to solve my issue. See the thread linked below:
      The recent overhaul in GrapheneOS seems to have affected the Messaging app the most. For example, it doesn't respect customized notification sound for me and uses the default one. I hope you don't have to go through a factory reset like me.

        10 days later

        hakayova nothing has changed for me. The most consistent "work around" is to just use the default SMS messanger in all profiles. Every once in a while I have to use QKSMS for its sync messages features to grab texts that the profile is not seeing.

        From your thread I am guessing its a carrier issue for me since this has been happening for well over a year. Its not a huge deal (as typically I deal with SMS in the owner profile) but, dealing with SMS verification in other profiles (such as work) can be a bit annoying.