In Security settings allow USB when unlocked
In Developer settings allow ADB Debugging

After install ADB Tools on your PC and do:
adb shell pm uninstall -k –user 0 unwanted-package

For remove and unwanted app. But be careful with other apps. You can see package name in bottom of app info (long press on app -> info -> scroll to bottom) like

    replace unwanted-package with package name what you want. In your case SIM Toolkit. And yes it will remove only selected app.

    DeletedUser19 None of those links have anything to do with removing SIM Toolkit.

    de0u said right in the quoted text above the links that they're threads where people messed with system apps.

    DeletedUser19 This is my device, and I should have control over what is installed on it. I did not give permission for this bloatware to be installed on my phone, and it is not acceptable for the options to uninstall and manage permissions to be grayed out. I do not trust this app, I do not want it, and it is my device after all.

    A few people here have already tried to advise against you messing with system apps, but you choose to do so anyway. Of course you have that right. But keep in mind that if you break something by messing with system apps, then nobody here can help you when things break.

    DeletedUser19 Confusing. If i run that code it will only remove SIM Toolkit? I'm confused.

    If you're confused, then it's better not to use ADB.

    DeletedUser19 None of those links have anything to do with removing SIM Toolkit.

    Indeed. My claim was "disabling or deleting some GrapheneOS system app", not "deleting SIM Toolkit". There are a lot of system apps, and so far there isn't a giant list of whether it's ok or not-ok to delete each individual one. Maybe it's ok to delete the SIM Toolkit for all users, maybe it's ok for users of some carriers, and maybe for some users it would be fine for a month and then not.

    If you do go ahead and delete it, there may well be people interested in hearing about your experience. If you are comfortable indicating which carrier that experience relates to, that may well be of interest as well.

    • [deleted]

    Back up your data before uninstalling system apps with ADB, you never know. I once uninstalled the home screen app on my previous samsung phone and my phone would not turn on. I had to factory reset it from the bootloader.
    If you decide to uninstall the sim toolkit, keep in mind that if some bug happen later and you share it here you should report that you dont have this app.

    • [deleted]

    • Edited

    secure_adict After install ADB Tools on your PC and do:
    adb shell pm uninstall -k –user 0 unwanted-package

    That literally only uninstalls it for the Owner user. What about the other users?

    @DeletedUser19 ;

    The Simcard that your operator provides to you has certain operator-specific configuration options available within it. The "Sim Toolkit" application is there to query those configuration options and provide you with an interface for controlling them. The fact that you do not have a need for those particular configuration options is a function of your needs and what your service provider is offering. This doesn't mean that the application itself is useless or irrelevant to everybody else.

    To get rid of it; sorry, that is not a supported function. Its built into the system image, so if you deleted it, it would cause your phone not to be able to boot.

    secure_adict What carrier is that? (Just to know what carrier to avoid... FWIW Tmobile doesn't seem to subject me to any such junk with this app...)

      • [deleted]

      • Edited

      DeletedUser19 No application was "installed" on your device to begin with.

      The SIM Toolkit App was installed on a friend's phone when he switched from T-mobile to AT&T. I have never seen this app on any Verizon Wireless based phones.

      My old operators SIM had the app installed. when I switched to a new operator with a new SIM card the app went away.
      both are European mobile operators.

      8 months later

      I don't have anymore the SIM Toolkit in my owner profile. I didn't change my SIM card.
      Can I have a temporary access to this app ? It's due to a carrier or GOS change ?

      • Hat replied to this.

        I got my response here :

        SIM Toolkit showing up is carrier dependent. Not all SIM cards will expose functionality to the OS for it to be leveraged. This is not a bug and is how it works.

        My carrier did some updates 1-2 months ago.

        This app is always included in GrapheneOS and does not install itself. It provides access to the menus included by the SIM card. This app was not installed by your carrier. It's an open source GrapheneOS component from AOSP.