If you download Signal APK from their official website. Does it support updates manually or automatic? Does notifications work cross profiles?

    • [deleted]

    PMUSR Website APK self updates, Play/Aurora version does not. Cross profile notifications are not specific to any app.

      [deleted] Thanks. What about Session and Simplex? Do you know if they update itself if you download APK from their official website? I cant find this about them. Im not on GOS yet so I cant test by myself.

        [deleted] Thanks. Im planning to move far away from Google. If I wanted to install Session, SimpleX and Signal. From where should I download them and be able to get updates?

          • [deleted]

          PMUSR I would download them from their respective Releases section on GitHub and instead of Obtainium I would add their links to ReadYou as per Side of Burritos video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFz57zNR_M0 to get notified of updates so I can perform them manually.

            [deleted] Can new APK versions be installed "over" the outdated apps or do you need to uninstall outdated apps first? Why not Obtainium?

              • [deleted]

              • Edited

              PMUSR apps can be updated only from the same source. Otherwise you need to do a fresh install. I find ReadYou a nice, clean and organised way of app management, I don't feel the same way about Obtainium. Currently I use sandboxed Google, half of my apps comes from there the other half I update very sporadically manually directly from GitHub. But should I return to FOSS only, ReadYou would be my go to place. Just a personal choice, many may not like it.

              We should stick to the theme of OP.

              • [deleted]

              PMUSR Yeah, as long is it's the same build (ie can't install F-Droid version over website APK), no need to reinstall.

              PMUSR Why not Obtainium?

              Plenty of people here use it.

              Interested to hear perspectives on Tucker's claim that his text messages were read on Signal by authorities? I use the app on a 6a to converse with family on iphones.

              Here is the link: https://t.co/jFmBlAW3qG

              Start: 9:30
              End: 9:45

              Well signal is based in the US. So why wouldn't there be any eyes watching over it
              For $5. Its well worth to get Threema. Signal is fine also if its just small talk with family and a few friends
              Could always try and get your friends to convert to Session

                • [deleted]

                MoonshineMidnight I mean, I'm not asking you to stop using Signal. If Signal really wants someone's number, they can log from the RAM. And "Independent Audits" aren't done daily, So they can obviously collect the phone number of some user and then delete any evidence.


                  Not saying you're wrong because it's actually true, but based on this logic you could say that for almost every service out there.

                  You are correct though because if they wanted to they could make modifications server side and possibly log what they wanted.

                  [deleted] Then why did they not hand over the IP when the FBI issued a subpoena for that and all sorts of other user info?

                  MoonshineMidnight I mentioned my solution

                  No, that's not what I am asking. I am asking what your solution would have been if you were in Proton's position regarding handing over IP address and device information or shut down your service.

                    router99 Shut down Proton Mail, VPN, Drive and Pass over over this? Proton's ToS state they abide by all lawful court orders. A swiss court ordered them hand over something they had access to. I'm sorry the activist was not tech savvy, but I knew to sign-up and use Proton Mail with an always on VPN with kill switch. By its nature, e2e email providers using PGP can't mask you IP. They don't store your IP, but with PGP it is easily accessed for a specific email address. Proton has been consistent with this and stated so on their blog several times. It is against their ToS to use Proton services for illegal purposes and Proton has stated they will abide by lawful Swiss court orders for unlawful use of Proton services. Proton has also fought its share of court orders as not being valid.

                      spiral Oz guv is working hard to makes laws that force encryption backdoors. Stupid Idea. Session - and every other tech company will just leave Australia for a country that won't be doing this, and their tech industry will collapse, along with the ensuing taxes they collect. In the U.S., the guv just hacks into the internet backbone and violates your First and Fourth Amendment rights, but e2e works around that.