UP1A.231005.007.2023101100 is running great for me on Pixel 7 and 6a. Optimizing apps did take about 45 minutes for this update, so plan your reboots accordingly.

    Just did a reboot about an hour after the update-install-and-reboot, and my Pixel 6 got the "No valid operating system could be found. The device will not boot.". Rebooted a couple of times and after a few tries it thankfully booted normally.

    Out of curiosity I've since rebooted a couple more times which triggered the error again, but after a some more power off/on attempts it got past it again.
    It seems to be a known problem when there are major updates, but seeing as the updates installed fine I'm unsure if it is the same problem.

    Model: Pixel 6
    Build number: UP1A.231005.007.2023101100
    No modifications, bootloader locked.

    Anyone know cause and/or how to fix?

      Update failed on my 7 Pro. I made a thread for it.

      I got the new update today and hit the reboot button.

      Phone came up and on the warning (non-standard OS) page, it said it cannot find a valid OS.

      I tried rebooting, and after the Google splash, it went to the broken Android page and said "no command".

      After another couple tries, now it booted. But it looks like it switched to the other slot. Now it is installing the latest OS update. Again.

      Any suggestions of what to do before I reboot? Or what happened?

        Haven't seen this in decades of alternate Androids. Any idea what causes it, other than bad electronics vibes?

          mjnck architekt GrouchyGrape It's a known issue caused by an upstream regression in Android 14. It's recompiling system apps even though their code is shipped precompiled in the OS. It's also ignoring using the work it does as part of the Finalizing step of updating in the background. It's not supposed to have to actually compile any code on boot after a non-major update but it's not working correctly. We're working on it but it's difficult to resolve.

          Titan_M2 GrapheneOS uses ahead-of-time compilation but for non-major updates it's meant to happen in the background in the Finalizing step and it's also not meant to have to compile apps shipped with the OS with a few exceptions due to upstream limitations of the precompilation support. They've unfortunately shipped half-baked ahead-of-time compilation changes which are impacting our approach.

            What is "enable customizing lock screen shortcuts"?

              GrapheneOS thanks for the detailed explanation 👍 gotta say everything else is great though and I'm positively surprised on how quick and mostly issue free the transition on each update is going everytime

              GrapheneOS It's a known issue caused by an upstream regression in Android 14. It's recompiling system apps even though their code is shipped precompiled in the OS. It's also ignoring using the work it does as part of the Finalizing step of updating in the background. It's not supposed to have to actually compile any code on boot after a non-major update but it's not working correctly.

              I noticed that the number of apps recompiling/finalizing has decreased a lot. On A13 updates it was around 200 apps optimizing at boot, but now with A14 it was 175 apps. Is it because of major changes in A14 or is it a result of this upstream regression?

              Thanks so much. You're the best.
              Is the use-your-phone-as-a-webcam feature Pixel 8 only?
              According to this, at least one of the A14 betas had a new app (com.android.deviceaswebcam) that enables ths service. This app seems to be missing on my phone.

                spiral Optimizing apps did take about 45 minutes for this update, so plan your reboots accordingly.

                This is one of the best advice. I just can add - check your battery level, too. :)

                Cannot view the history of any permission in the privacy dashboard

                type: ANR
                osVersion: google/lynx/lynx:14/UP1A.231005.007/2023101100:user/release-keys
                package: com.android.permissioncontroller:330000000
                process: com.android.permissioncontroller
                activity: com.android.permissioncontroller/.permission.ui.ManagePermissionsActivity
                cause: ANR Input dispatching timed out (681b273 com.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.ManagePermissionsActivity (server) is not responding. Waited 5000ms for MotionEvent)
                info: ANR in com.android.permissioncontroller (com.android.permissioncontroller/.permission.ui.ManagePermissionsActivity)
                PID: 23533
                Reason: Input dispatching timed out (681b273 com.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.ui.ManagePermissionsActivity (server) is not responding. Waited 5000ms for MotionEvent)
                Parent: com.android.permissioncontroller/.permission.ui.ManagePermissionsActivity
                ErrorId: cfff24cc-4934-47c7-9269-d65590838893
                Frozen: false
                Load: 2.79 / 2.86 / 2.89
                ----- Output from /proc/pressure/memory -----
                some avg10=0.17 avg60=0.28 avg300=0.28 total=134253534
                full avg10=0.09 avg60=0.12 avg300=0.10 total=70273450
                ----- End output from /proc/pressure/memory -----
                ----- Output from /proc/pressure/cpu -----
                some avg10=12.93 avg60=9.74 avg300=7.53 total=8279023961
                ----- End output from /proc/pressure/cpu -----
                ----- Output from /proc/pressure/io -----
                some avg10=0.07 avg60=0.16 avg300=0.12 total=141645291
                full avg10=0.02 avg60=0.07 avg300=0.06 total=99633275
                ----- End output from /proc/pressure/io -----
                CPU usage from 1ms to 5009ms later (2023-10-13 16:19:23.213 to 2023-10-13 16:19:28.221):
                  60% 1455/system_server: 29% user + 31% kernel / faults: 29627 minor 1 major
                  53% 23533/com.android.permissioncontroller: 36% user + 16% kernel / faults: 19208 minor 209 major
                  25% 723/surfaceflinger: 17% user + 8.2% kernel / faults: 4301 minor
                  13% 3445/com.android.systemui: 7.4% user + 6.2% kernel / faults: 20622 minor 25 major
                  1.8% 1277/media.swcodec: 0.6% user + 1.1% kernel / faults: 7587 minor
                  7.6% 10618/com.google.android.inputmethod.latin: 3.6% user + 4% kernel / faults: 16824 minor 42 major
                  7.4% 725/android.hardware.composer.hwc3-service.pixel: 4% user + 3.4% kernel
                  1.1% 1210/media.extractor: 0.5% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 4722 minor
                  2.8% 330/decon0_kthread: 0% user + 2.8% kernel
                  2.6% 3767/com.android.phone: 2% user + 0.6% kernel / faults: 2079 minor 145 major
                32% TOTAL: 15% user + 16% kernel + 0.1% iowait + 0.9% irq + 0.3% softirq
                CPU usage from 74ms to 781ms later (2023-10-13 16:19:23.286 to 2023-10-13 16:19:23.993):
                  212% 1455/system_server: 99% user + 113% kernel / faults: 17089 minor
                    94% 1608/Signal Catcher: 51% user + 42% kernel
                    47% 23588/AnrAuxiliaryTas: 11% user + 35% kernel
                    25% 22604/binder:1455_1F: 9.4% user + 16% kernel
                    23% 1625/binder:1455_2: 11% user + 11% kernel
                    16% 24306/binder:1455_20: 11% user + 4.7% kernel
                    2.3% 1746/PowerManagerSer: 2.3% user + 0% kernel
                  87% 23533/com.android.permissioncontroller: 50% user + 37% kernel / faults: 779 minor
                    37% 23533/ssioncontroller: 20% user + 16% kernel
                    25% 23549/RenderThread: 20% user + 4.1% kernel
                    12% 23541/HeapTaskDaemon: 4.1% user + 8.3% kernel
                    4.1% 23571/binder:23533_3: 0% user + 4.1% kernel
                  28% 723/surfaceflinger: 22% user + 6.1% kernel
                    14% 723/surfaceflinger: 12% user + 2% kernel
                    4.1% 810/TimerDispatch: 2% user + 2% kernel
                    4.1% 1987/binder:723_5: 4.1% user + 0% kernel
                    2% 814/app: 2% user + 0% kernel
                    2% 816/RegionSampling: 2% user + 0% kernel
                    2% 825/surfaceflinger: 0% user + 2% kernel
                  8.2% 725/android.hardware.composer.hwc3-service.pixel: 4.1% user + 4.1% kernel
                    4.1% 725/binder:725_3: 0% user + 4.1% kernel
                    4.1% 822/binder:725_5: 4.1% user + 0% kernel
                  3.9% 330/decon0_kthread: 0% user + 3.9% kernel
                  1.4% 11/ksoftirqd/0: 0% user + 1.4% kernel
                  1.4% 23/migration/1: 0% user + 1.4% kernel
                  1.8% 57/rcuop/5: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
                  1.9% 345/thermal_BIG: 0% user + 1.9% kernel
                  1.9% 350/thermal_LITTLE: 0% user + 1.9% kernel
                  1.9% 357/thermal_TPU: 0% user + 1.9% kernel
                  2% 661/sugov:6: 0% user + 2% kernel
                  2.1% 851/android.hardware.power-service.pixel-libperfmgr: 2.1% user + 0% kernel
                    4.2% 855/PowerHintMonito: 2.1% user + 2.1% kernel
                    2.1% 851/android.hardwar: 2.1% user + 0% kernel
                  4.1% 23557/mali_kbase_csf_: 0% user + 4.1% kernel
                41% TOTAL: 21% user + 18% kernel + 1% irq + 0.3% softirq
                  12 days later


                  I second this ask. Developers of Graphene are you able to confirm why we do not have monochrome for the systemui color picker? Are we able to have this creature comfort? PLEAAAAAAASSSSEEE.