nazar-pc Barclays in the UK is only one example of contactless payments working without Google Pay, there are other banks in France for example for which we've had reports of similar contactless payment systems working. They exist; though I'm under no illusions that they're prevalent, since I imagine from their POV, implementing Google Pay is much easier and maintainable.

On the spoofing CTS checks thing, I did not mean to insinuate that you or some other user would be the one to implement this. When I said "an option is for this to be implemented", I meant the development team adding it to GrapheneOS. The issue is currently open and was opened by someone on the development team, so it's not a feature that the team has ruled out. As with everything on GrapheneOS, though, the best way to approach it has to be determined, which can take time.

On your 3rd point, lobbying Google to whitelist GrapheneOS by using that guide is realistically never going to happen. Other OEMs that have to go through certification and pass CTS (compatibility test suite) which GrapheneOS doesn't (because it adds things like new permissions which deviate from the compatibility goals that Android has set) would be outraged if that ever happened. In fact, I would wager that it would be a much more realistic scenario for someone to invest millions into funding a company that provides an alternative to Google Pay without puttng it behind a CTS check, rather than Google ever whitelisting GrapheneOS.

When someone says "contactless payments don't work on GrapheneOS", it's not immediately clear to everyone that what is meant by that is "there aren't good options for people to use right now" and I wouldn't want someone to think that contactless payments are fundamentally incompatible with GrapheneOS, or that it breaks them somehow. Contactless payments via Gpay on GrapheneOS don't work as of right now for the exact same reason why the McDonalds app in some countries (I kid you not) doesn't. SafetyNet / Play Integrity API and their ctsProfileMatch and MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY checks accordingly.

2 months later


Can you help me to setup Google wallet ?
I would like to use it for fly tickets - for now :)

I installed app from Aurora store but I have only the forever turning wheel.
I tried to add permissions as mentioned in one of above post, but:
=> Method 1: Navigate to Settings > Apps > Sandboxed Google Play > Google Settings > Settings for Google apps > Google Wallet

Settings for Google apps => can not fin that.

Method 2:

Install Google Wallet from play store
Grant Google Play Services access to Phone and SMS permissions
Launch Google Wallet app

SMS permissions => there are no such permission to add it ( or at least I could not find it ).

Thanks for help in advance.

    Rash7774 I just tried it. Wallet app has network permission, play services has network, phone, SMS permissions; works great.

    Can you send us a screenshot of what you see re: permissions for play services? SMS should be in the list for sure.

    Aaaa OK, now it works, I had to grand extra permissions for Google Play Services.
    After adding to Google Play Services:

    • Network
    • Telephone
    • SMS

    wheel is no longer there. There is option to log on to google.

    Do I have to log on to google account in order to use Google Wallet ?
    I did not expected that one.


      Do we have any recommended alternatives to Google Wallet ? I am asking from curiosity only.
      Maybe something from F-Droid?

      It will be great to have NFC payment working on GrapheneOS, but ... as I read posts, that is not the option right now.

        • [deleted]

        • Edited

        Rash7774 It would be amazing to have contactless payment on GrapheneOS, but google be doing google things :(

        If you only want to store QR-code based tickets and passes, try PassAndroid. It works with all tickets coming as pkpass-files.

        By the way: I can confirm that NFC-based payment with GrapheneOS works in general. I'm using my bank's Payment-app, which does not use the Google Wallet or Google Pay. I'm in Europe, so changing to my bank is probably not an option for most of you ;-)

          [deleted] NFC Payments work fine. It's Google Pay that requires a certified OS, not contactless payments in general. They're using their bank's app which provides contactless payments via their own system instead of falling back to Google Pay.

            That's right. It was interesting for me to learn that Android supports setting a default payment-app (just like it allows for setting the default browser). So, payment for me even works without opening my bank's app.

            22 days later

            Is there a dedicated device one could setup to use with Google wallet or similar? Program an nfc chip you could enclose in your phone case that keeps all your cards info?

              Google Wallet will NOT load for me. I just get the spinning circle.

              Wallet has network permissions granted.

              Google Play Services has Network/SMS/Phone permissions granted.

                matchboxbananasynergy was hoping for something that could be as if I was only traveling with my phone like a super nfc credit card (that I can put in my phone case) that I can program and aggregate all the cards with or that I could run Google Wallet thru.

                a month later

                I have a few questions I could not find in this or any related thread:
                My banking app works with GOS and it has contactless payment through Google Pay
                I already have a throwaway Google account for sandboxed Play store.

                1. How will adding my card information to my banking app / Google Pay affect my privacy? Or is in not a big deal?
                2. Should I create another throwaway google account for just payment?
                3. Do I make the payments via my banking app or do I download the Google Pay app?
                • de0u replied to this.