• [deleted]

I have long pondered whether I should ask it here but I can't think of better place. I have a number of older android devices that I would like to degoogle (i.e. strip of google dependencies, yet make them "fully functioning"). Is there any unified approach that I should follow attempting to do this? Thanks in advance for any links.

    • [deleted]

    [deleted] You'll brick them if you do that. Google is life.

      • [deleted]

      [deleted] I would very much like to like your answer but out of principle I can't. There has to be life outside of Google.

        Slightly off topic. First, recycle anything that can't 4g. Then, take the easy path and look for a stock alt OS which can run on your phone.

        If the device still gets security updates on stock its more secure to stay there probably but otherwise finding a more current alternate rom like react os or lineage is ok. If you have a popular device there is usually a rom out there. All that said from a security standpoint I wouldnt expect much out of any phone thats no longer updated. [deleted]

        [deleted] I don't think there is a "unified" approach. Your best bet is to find out if there are any google free custom roms available for the particular phone/model. Then you'd need to install MicroG on top of that if you want to have extra app compatibility/functioning.

        [deleted] strip of google dependencies, yet make them "fully functioning"

        The expression "Fully functioning" might be a bit of a stretch here. Depends on what you mean. The most fully functioning de googled phone i know is pixel with GraphoeneOS. All the rest have various levels of "functioning", but less.

        The other alternative is to build your own custom rom by taking LineageOS or GrapheneOS and finding and adding the drivers for your particular phone to the rom. As you can imagine this is not much of an option for the average person.

        Generally, ROM availability is what determines whether a phone could be degoogled or not. Unless you are a rom maker.

          • [deleted]

          • Edited

          User2288 Yes, you are right. I am not a rom maker. Devices in metion are (way) past their official support. But I am not comfortable with recycling or scrapping them. Thanks for the replies. I gave it a thought and will find alternative offline use for them like ebook reader, tv remote/ps4 controller, note taking and so on.

            [deleted] you forgot my fave use of an old phone. If supported, attach some corded earbuds and listen to 96.5 fm.

            Worth checking out https://divestos.org they do the best they can to keep devices secure as they get older, they make the securoty implications clear


            not comfortable with recycling or scrapping them

            Is that stemming from an environmental concern or a privacy / security concern?

              I have removed a post promoting dubious "debloating" guides, since that often does more harm than good, and it can result in you damaging your device. While OP here is considering doing this on otherwise old and osbolete devices, others may stumble across this thread in the future. Thank you for your understanding.

              I will not be locking the thread at this time as there seem to be a couple questions that haven't been answered by OP yet, but let's not treat this thread as a space to recommend dubious stuff please.

              • [deleted]

              zzz I would say both reasons.

              Anyway guys, thanks, you've been helpful.

              • zzz replied to this.
              • zzz likes this.

                Re: [deleted]

                Can anyone link to some resources for the recommended procedure for securely scrapping an end of life device?

                I'm familiar with the "take a hammer to the hard drive" technique for desktop machines, but that seems irresponsible when each Pixel has a lithium battery glued into it.

                  User2288 Then you'd need to install MicroG on top of that if you want to have extra app compatibility/functioning.

                  That is not "de" googling. That is alternative googling.

                    csis01 That is not "de" googling. That is alternative googling.

                    True, but OP asked for high functioning.

                    zzz There are some fastboot commands to shred your memory. I don't know them excactly, so please ask your favorite search engine.

                    • zzz likes this.