[deleted] They're saved as files in Recordings/CallRecordings which you can access via your files app.
GrapheneOS version 2023040400 released
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I haven’t gotten the update/patch yet. 7 Pro
Blastoidea It's not included in this update. When the monthly patches are out, GrapheneOS will release an update with those, as always.
I don't think it's released. I'm talking about Pixel security patches by Google.
Yet another thing I really, really like about GrapheneOS.
Someone really is/are on the ball.
Just got the update via Stable channel. Yuhoo!
Still the eSIM management is greyed out and does requires Goolag Play.
dc32f0cfe84def651e0e That is completely expected. eSIM activation is still the same as it was before (requires Sandboxed Google Play in the owner profile as well as the privileged eSIM activation toggle to be enabled).
The change here is that the eSIM firmware updater app is no longer gated by that toggle and enabled by default with these new improvements, which is important, as it... well, provides firmware updates to those components.
It is possible that in the future there will be an open source Google-independent way to activate eSIMs as well, at which point the privileged activation toggle would be done away with, but alas, that's not today. :)
Am I understanding the release notes correctly that the Google Camera App now no longer requires any of the Google Play Services trifecta? If so how does one install the Google Camera app without the Play Store?
Hello, I just have question about carrier config change last update:
allow toggling VoWiFi while roaming by default
ignore carrier configuration disabling VoWiFi, VoLTE and VoNR toggles to make them available for all newly provisioned setups
I did factory reset but i still dont have VoLTE toggle visible
when i use kyujin-cho pixel-volte-patch VoLTE will work.
Do i need to reinstall graphene from scratch in order not to have use thrid party volte enabler for non supported contries?
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2dognight You are correct. Google Camera and some other apps that only did a check to see if GSF is there now no longer needs it at all.
Of course, Sandboxed Google Play enables more functionality for Google Camera like the AR stuff, but the base functionality that previously required GSF (not necessarily Play Store or Services), now doesn't need GSF at all.
You can use Aurora Store to obtain Google Camera, as an example. Aurora Store is a Play Store frontend that sports disposable accounts, making it so you don't have to create your own to use it. It's not without its issues, but it's an option for people who don't want Sandboxed Google Play in a specific profile (or at all).
2dognight Indeed. I just have installed mine. You can use either Aurora Store or any other service like sideloading an apk.
Samtronator That change doesn't do the same thing as the patch you mentioned. It shows the VoLTE etc. toggle if the carrier supports it but hides it. The patch you're talking about as far as I can tell enables it even if it's not supposed to be there at all (hidden or not).
Oh ok thanks for your answer!
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matchboxbananasynergy OK thanks for that info. Am I also right to assume that Google Camera will not strip out EXIF data from images?
2dognight Correct, as far as I know it doesn't. GrapheneOS camera does, but you can use a separate app to strip that data after taking the picture.
Personally, I use ExifEraser which I obtained through Accrescent (accrescent.app). It's a very simple and modern Exif data erasing app that doesn't require any permissions.
matchboxbananasynergy Great thanks again.
Update is here and everything works fine. Thanks.
GrapheneOS doesn't includes a Music Player. How I can reproduce the recorded calls? Is there a recommended app to do it? Thanks
[deleted] If you open them within the file manager, a small pop-up player will open within that. Try it out.