you definitely need a 6th gen device - due to the change of google's support lifetime (pixel5
=3yrs, pixel6
=5yrs), the economics are not even close. Get a 6a, 6, or 6pro
personally i'd recommend against the 6a unless you're really on the margins of being able to afford it. I've been on a
type devices for many years (pixel4a
and before that the pixel2
which has more in common form-factor with the 4a
and 6a
than the newer flagships). I'm now on pixel6
the larger screen & battery of the 6
is really nice (without adding too much physical size, due to small bezels) but the next two actually affect economics:
- wireless charging: easier to keep battery in the SOC you prefer; and less wear on a common failure point (the USB port). In ~ 10 "phone years" of adult usage on our family plan, we've had two usb ports fail out of warranty.
- waterproof. I'm on pixel6 ... because the
is not waterproof, and I had a momentary slip of mind :(
p6pro seems great too, and the telephoto would be nice for traveling; but the curved screen detracts from usability and the price isn't justified. $450->$600 vs $900 in the USA.
last, note that with the pixel7 2 months from release, there are some deals now for pixel6 (still 4 years supported life)