I am overpass. Make a mistake, so i had to do a new acc.
Thanks for your answers. It is verry helpfull.
SimpleX seams to be the solution. i will give it a try.
DevilsDueRebellion Maybe even the official webpage download in some rare cases for instance to have IVPN apps option of utilizing the Facebook and Google blocking Hardcore mode DNS.
Can you explane this to me? I dont here about IVPN and the Hardcore mode DNS.
I feel better if i dont use google. Yes i dont like account IDs as well.
Ass far ass i can see, the auroa store is only to get via f-droid. I cant open the website or ther GitLab site. Tho i think it isnt a good option to dowload via f-droid when auroastore musst be updated via f-droid, or i am false?
DevilsDueRebellion I don't use f-droid and probably won't in the future
I recommend the below read to get familiarized.
What are the drawbacks to download a apk from the website or from github, besite to update your self? For my understandig, to get the app direktly from the develorper sems to be the go to option. Or isnt it the best practice?
thanks. How can i protect my self when the other part dont realy care about privacy?