I am wondering if there are any known famous people who use GrapheneOS, except for Snowden and some youtubers...
Famous people who use GrapheneOS
First question: why does that even matter? Second question: why would they tell you?
It would be in the interest of almost every threat model to conceal which OS you are using, especially when you're a celeb/VIP. Going around with a "hey, look at me!" attitude is counterproductive for most scenarios. So I'm glad we don't know of any famous people using GOS - that means that they understand OpSec.
Not sure if you count Side Of Burritos, but that guys a Maverick in my book!
famous people using GrapheneOS, yes no doubt.... zero interest.
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Why do you feel obligated to break his enthusiasm
/ Interest about GrapheneOS? Maybe you don't care about his topic but why do you feel that it is interesting for everyone to know that you don't care about it ? We don't care if you care or not about it !
Don't put people down, this does not make the community welcoming.
Btw this could be useful to know celebrities using Gos because people identify to celebrities and they could be tempted to use it if their idol use it. It would also give visibility to GOS.
And I don't think that hiding which OS you are using is important for high risk threat model (btw, just look at Ed Snowden...)
IamZorro why do you feel that it is interesting for everyone to know that you don't care about it ? We don't care if you care or not about it !
But... why do u feel that it is interesting for everyone to know that 'you care or not about it'?
Obviously i'm just kidding, but i find your post a little weird. Breaking his enthousiam/interest, putting people down, not welcoming...
This is a public forum and OP asked a question, all i see here is ventilated opinion of other community members, which may or may not align with what OP, or you for that matter, expected.
I don't think the opinions here would break someone's enthousiasm/interest, and certainly did not put OP down in any way...
If u check OP his history activity on this forum, u can see he asked many other questions, and got help from many members, aswell as received many opinions of other members, which again, may or not align with his or someone else his views. But i doubt OP felt unwelcomed...
IamZorro Btw this could be useful to know celebrities using Gos because people identify to celebrities and they could be tempted to use it if their idol use it.
It would be actually very off-putting to me if celebrities started endorsing GOS. These people are more often than not disconnected from reality and promote senseless garbage. I'd rather have the product speak for itself.
Whatever is promoted by nerds is ten times more useful to me.
Edward Snowden maybe?
Celebs using GOS has a different effect on everyone here, but I understand the appeal. I can only name Edward Snowden, The Hated One, Side of Burritos and Simon Walsh (Closed Network Podcast) who are all heroes in my book. I think I remember Nathan from NewOil also mentioning he uses GOS.
Most of them are not really celebrities in the common understanding. Most celebrities use iPhones and believe or trust Apple's privacy marketing, or they don't care.
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I believe Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter) is at least a part time user. He was quite interested in the GrapheneOS project a couple years ago and if I remember correctly he donated $1 million at the time. But I believe he uses an iPhone as his daily driver. That is what most ppl see him carrying and I believe his nostr clients of choice used to be iOS specific.
So I think he's a huge fan of the project as he is very interested in security/privacy/freedom tech, but I'm guessing it doesn't work for his daily workflow.
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I'm not sure what we mean by “celebrities” here, but we do know that a number of key figures working in technology are using GrapheneOS, in addition to the names already mentioned, there is also David Weston from Microsoft.
this forum would be incredibly bland and boring if everyone was in agreement.
not liking what you like is not putting people down.
IamZorro We don't care if you care or not about it !
P.S I could not resist the child in me.... I don't care if... "We don't care if you care or not about it !"
I use GrapheneOS. :)
This guy is famous 🔝
Me too :) maybe i will be famous in future? Who knows ... But.... It's interesting, why not? I hope graphene OS becomes more famous....
I agree, the more people we can get using and supporting graphene, the better! I try to make sure to mention graphene on twitter whenever I run across a post from someone complaining about privacy or the apple app store walled garden. Graphene is also quite popular in the bitcoin community which probably makes sense given they are more privacy/security sensitive.
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Jack Rhysider, the creator of the Darknet Diaries podcast uses GrapheneOS:
JACK: When Apple stopped supporting the iPod Touch, I switched over to GrapheneOS, which is a fork of Android. It’s an open-source project but with a lot more privacy features added in. Unlike Android, they don’t send everything I do back to Google. My messaging app of choice is Signal, which I can also make phone calls with because Signal is end-to-end encrypted, which means the people at Signal can’t see my messages; only the receiver of who I’m chatting with can.
This is from Episode 146 btw, it was an interview with Joseph Cox from 404 Media. https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/146/
Not exactly famous, but another content creator that came to my mind is Mental Outlaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1KZWjZVnAw
The whole reasoning behind Grapheneos is privacy. So most people who use it would not talk about it.
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Andromxda I used to watch his videos but unfortunately he doesn't always give good privacy/security advice. For example he supports users using old (insecure) ThinkPads and installing Libreboot, which cripples the already deprecated computer's security. Thankfully he hasn't been involved in any attacks against GrapheneOS or other projects.