• General
  • Famous people who use GrapheneOS


I believe Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter) is at least a part time user. He was quite interested in the GrapheneOS project a couple years ago and if I remember correctly he donated $1 million at the time. But I believe he uses an iPhone as his daily driver. That is what most ppl see him carrying and I believe his nostr clients of choice used to be iOS specific.

So I think he's a huge fan of the project as he is very interested in security/privacy/freedom tech, but I'm guessing it doesn't work for his daily workflow.

I'm not sure what we mean by “celebrities” here, but we do know that a number of key figures working in technology are using GrapheneOS, in addition to the names already mentioned, there is also David Weston from Microsoft.

this forum would be incredibly bland and boring if everyone was in agreement.
not liking what you like is not putting people down.

IamZorro We don't care if you care or not about it !

P.S I could not resist the child in me.... I don't care if... "We don't care if you care or not about it !"

Me too :) maybe i will be famous in future? Who knows ... But.... It's interesting, why not? I hope graphene OS becomes more famous....


    I agree, the more people we can get using and supporting graphene, the better! I try to make sure to mention graphene on twitter whenever I run across a post from someone complaining about privacy or the apple app store walled garden. Graphene is also quite popular in the bitcoin community which probably makes sense given they are more privacy/security sensitive.

    3 months later

    Jack Rhysider, the creator of the Darknet Diaries podcast uses GrapheneOS:

    JACK: When Apple stopped supporting the iPod Touch, I switched over to GrapheneOS, which is a fork of Android. It’s an open-source project but with a lot more privacy features added in. Unlike Android, they don’t send everything I do back to Google. My messaging app of choice is Signal, which I can also make phone calls with because Signal is end-to-end encrypted, which means the people at Signal can’t see my messages; only the receiver of who I’m chatting with can.

    This is from Episode 146 btw, it was an interview with Joseph Cox from 404 Media. https://darknetdiaries.com/transcript/146/

    The whole reasoning behind Grapheneos is privacy. So most people who use it would not talk about it.

      • Edited

      Andromxda I used to watch his videos but unfortunately he doesn't always give good privacy/security advice. For example he supports users using old (insecure) ThinkPads and installing Libreboot, which cripples the already deprecated computer's security. Thankfully he hasn't been involved in any attacks against GrapheneOS or other projects.

      Vitalik Buterin talked about using GOS in an interview a year or two ago, when he was talking about some blockchain experimental society/event that he attended. Some sort of "network state," type of event.

      And Adam Curry (OG podcaster) just talked about how he uses GOS on a very recent Joe Rogan episode.

      Those are the only two I can remember.

      Michael Bazzell, an ancient FBI agent use GrapheneOS. I suggest you to buy his book "Extreme Privacy What It Takes To Disappear"

      A lot of famous people use GOS. They will just not yell in public " Hey, watch my phone, it has GrapheneOS"

      18 days later

      I'd like to know what tech consultants are telling A-Listers about mass surveillance. Each celebrity is basically brand with a small army of employees (including tech, legal, security, etc.) There can be a lot riding on their privacy.

        djl1fthd0 I would argue that much of their value is hinged precisely on NOT being private. Many of these people directly benefit (financially, at least) from the constant surveillance of their lives.


          I don't know any A-listers who share their location 24/7, or their keyboard history, or their search history with the public. And if I'm on their security or legal team, I'd make sure Google doesn't know any more than the public.

          djl1fthd0 I'd like to know what tech consultants are telling A-Listers about mass surveillance

          Nothing. Such people don't hire an actual 'techie' rather an overpriced people who know enough to handle an iPhone. And that's exactly what they're being told, use an iPhone.

            I can’t imagine any GrapheneOS user caring whether or not any “celebrities” use it.

            Does that somehow increase its “value” in the eyes of some?

              ardaebert Not exactly. GrapheneOS primarily focuses on security. While there is some overlap, there isn't a significant practical reason for the average person to hide the OS they're running.

              Blastoidea I can’t imagine any GrapheneOS user caring whether or not any “celebrities” use it.

              Does that somehow increase its “value” in the eyes of some?

              Not really, but it's just slightly interesting.