mmobder there isnt a great way to make a useful + safe terminal app. Unless u do what they did on ChromeOS.. Spay the thing, remove package manager, net logging and only give a few select programs to run with NO man pages by default.

Is that what people are looking to do? Write shell scripts and move files around via terminal from their phones (within their phone or another they own)?

    nullable sorry, I'm missing your point. Are you referring to your expectations towards what Ggl will deliver as a terminal solution in A16, or are you making assumptions re what Termux is?

      Sorry to hear they ditch the Android apk... This has been a neat solution for a lot of people. Maybe a skilled developer take on the maintenance of the app.

      Thanks. I heard there have been serious vulnerabilities with Termux before. I have now uninstalled that app.

      mmobder neither. i am saying if there's a "new " terminal app, it most definately will be nuetered. Probably like the Crosh term within ChromeOS.

      That is all i was saying. Not sure where u got those other ideas from. Termux is one of the first things most new devs and hackivists will get to see where, they look and be like "that is cool", and want to do that.

      Who doesn't like pretty printed text, raining matrix alphabet, and moo-ving through the FS manually?

      They dont even completed desktop mode , why would they add such a large function in the next upgrade, does not make sense.

      8 days later

      Panda-na that had some fascinating posts but i dont see which posts were really relevant to GPU acceleration and hardware virtualization beyond what little was said ..

      I did however read this tidbit which i like:

      " User-facing VM management is coming."

      mmobder Termux by itself is kinda old and dangerous app, not talking about its repositories that are almost always connect to .cn servers

      The Play Store version targets SDK 34 now though which is nice.

      4 months later

      This has now rolled out to the stock Pixel OS as part of the March 2025 update, according to

      Though it is reportedly terminal apps only (GUI apps are expected to work in Android 16).

      Anyone gotten a chance to try it out yet? I'm guessing, at least right now, it's on stock OS only. I don't see the option to enable it on my GOS device.

        matchboxbananasynergy Great to know! I'm hoping it may be feasible to use this instead of Termux in the future, but I guess it remains to be seen how well this solution integrates with Android storage, etc.

        Even with just terminal apps, though, it'll hopefully be useful for firing off the occasional ffmpeg or rclone command.

        slimjim55 Would it be possible to have the terminal accessible with the developer options disabled?

        The post you are replying to includes "does not work on GrapheneOS yet" (with "does not" bolded). Is the request that something that does not work be made more available?

        I hope people share their use cases once it goes live. Debian already runs on all my other devices, and I believe there will be many innovative setups w/ the additional capabilities

        Super cool that you guys have this working now! I just tried it myself and I couldn't be more excited. Does anyone know how to access internal storage from the terminal?

        Please continue this in 2025030900 is the first release with the Terminal VM management app and our next release backports support for GUI applications, opt-in GPU hardware acceleration, speaker, microphone and more including a bunch of fixes. Can talk about it in the current thread for this.