DeletedUser26 I guess it just really depends on how one wants to setup their GOS device.
Michael Bazzell's setup seems more simple for a lot of users.
And he made another couple points about using just these 2 stores.
He says at least once a week that he gets an angry email saying that he shouldn't be recommending these stores, and receives a link to an article (the same one we see everywhere from almost 3 years ago), about a "Confusing UX" and so on.
He states that he doesn't trust anything fully, and he knows there can be malicious acts with any store.
And that for a setup that allows you to move on wirh your life from your mobile device without much tinkering, F-Droid and Aurora are optimal for him and his clients.
I understand a couple of his points, I was curious about what the community thought of it all.
I may send him an email about it, let's see if I can find his details lol.