• General
  • PWA has access to sensors when they are dissabled for browser

I have no idea why this might happen, but I was able to reproduce this issue successfully. Really strange.

Have you turned off the Sensor permission for Vanadium?

Long press Vanadium icon > App info > Permissions > Sensors

Yes, sensor permissions are disabled

5 days later

Do you know if it is actually accessing the full sensor data, or just the screen orientation?

    • [deleted]

    kalwadi Brave does not even allow sites to access sensors on any device regardless of sensors permission.

    roamer4223 I don't know and have no idea how should I test it.
    The issue only appears when using PWA. if I access the side within browser the screen does not rotate.

    [deleted] this does not support being added as PWA so I can't use it to test.

      kalwadi I'm sure there is a simple way to test it. I have no ideas though. If I think of anything I will post here and try it. I have noticed the same thing before though and wondered about it.

      5 months later

      Just noticed this happening in my Proton PWA.

      Did anyone find out why it has permission to know my devices orientation and if there's a way to deny that permission?

        idk about this specific case with pwa but screen orientation portrait/landscape is different from sensors access, an app with sensors disabled is still being told by the OS when the phone is in portrait or landscape position even when auto-rotation is off system-wide, it is the usual behavior