Good video link @N1b [], it hits on my priorities. And that's what use of GOS comes down to - priorities. Mine preclude use of an Apple ecosystem:
Priority: an open platform without restriction to apps and information. With Apple you use apps at their pleasure and they have an ongoing record of censorship. Many of the apps I use are not available in the apple/google stores. With GOS I'll have better access to information when further censorship pressures are exerted by the state.
Priority: freedom from government surveillance. I believe we have the right to be free from tracking/profiling from the state without due cause and warrant. Yet big tech companies including Google and Apple collude with the state and violate this right.
GOS does not magically achieve the priorities alone, but through judicious setup and use it provides a better feature/risk
profile and fulfills my priorities much better than other platforms. Thanks for the video.