hardballs You seem to be writing from a position of being highly confident in your claims, which are still quite unclear to me. Surely you have some evidence of this "en masse" infection you could provide us with, so we at least could read more about the potential malware that is allegedly spreading with high "velocity"?
tempted to transition from GOS to iOS
fid02 Friends and family had their devices malfunctioning and were getting locked out of accounts. Manipulation of local filesystems, pcaps of floods, replay attacks and C2 traffic. All devices were up to date. The evidence would de-anonymize me. Context: I pissed off a large company. Central Europe.
hardballs They can compromise the device with generic firmware and OS vulnerabilities. Using a device without full security patches is always a bad idea since you're vulnerable to bargain bin ancient exploits which stopped working on up-to-date phones years ago. It's 99.99% standard AOSP and running on top of widely deployed hardware with standard drivers and firmware, etc.
GrapheneOS You're right of course. Nevertheless, those old devices provided me with a last line of defense.
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wuseman Honestly, if you can live with using half-baked browsers, mediocre keyboards and being locked in then go for an Iphone.
What are you talking about? Safari has extension support and some pretty damn awesome extensions, not even available for Firefox. What we have in Android with the default Chrome browser is a nasty, locked down spyware ridden concoction that is on its way to kill off proper extension support. The GrapheneOS devs have done a commendable job with Vanadium (even though it is about as bare bones as it gets), but I suspect it will be an uphill battle as Google transforms the codebase of Chrome into a user hostile data harvesting mess.
Also, you can have any keyboard you want. It is obvious that you judge iPhones just by hearsay.
AlanZ Safari has extension support and some pretty damn awesome extensions, not even available for Firefox.
Safari allows me to use I Don't Care About cookies or user scripts? This is news to me.
What we have in Android with the default Chrome browser is a nasty, locked down spyware ridden concoction that is on its way to kill off proper extension support.
I don't care about stock. I care about what I can get.
Also, you can have any keyboard you want.
My experience is that any iOS keyboard is 5 years behind Gboard on Android.
ZorroV999 thats entirely marketing apple does not respect users privacy at all Lmao
knirirr apple already does advertising that's a decent chunk of their business and they also are invested into ai. There incentives are in everyway against privacy
AlanZ slimbook system76 etc theirs a lotore then just thinkpads I don't see a problem
No thanks, not interested in that trash hardware. Been there, not going back.
decent apps like FairEmail just don't exist on iOS.
I think Preside comes close, although I use the Airmail Business edition because I value pretty looks above everything else : )
AlanZ I think Preside comes close, although I use the Airmail Business edition because I value pretty looks above everything else : )
Does Airmail business support sending via aliases? With fairemail you can set up separate identities for sending (e.g. foo@test.domain.com, bar@test.domain.com), although you cant do this on the fly while sending an email. It has to be done in advance in settings.
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Yes, it does. But the default Apple Mail has that functionality as well.
AlanZ I think Preside comes close, although I use the Airmail Business edition
Thank you for sharing about these apps! It seems like they don't support PGP, are they?
I could only find one iOS email client that supports PGP - Canary Mail... It's not ideal for UX tho
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You are welcome. There is no PGP integration like on Android, unfortunately. But there is a wonderful PGP app - iPGMail - that is modern and maintained unlike OpenKeychain. However, one has to manually encrypt the emails, so it is cumbersome.
Yes, CanaryMail has PGP integration, but their UX and privacy policy leave plenty to be desired.
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Also, AltaMail on iOS is pretty full featured (still no PGP integration unfortunately), maintained, no data collected, one time purchase available, etc. That is if you like the interface, which might not be everyone's cup of tea.
AlanZ Thank you!
I like the fact that one can choose to sideload updates via adb through recovery. Also, the automatic reboot feature that will bring you to BFU mode after set time by you.. Fine grained control of USB C port is important. Vanadium is much more secure and private than safari, and it capitalizes on memory hardening of GrapheneOS. Random mac for each network connection, even if it's the same network. Ability to reduce attack surface while connecting to cellular network by disconnecting 2g,3g and 5g. Ability to have secondary user profiles, as a result increasing your security. Memory tagging available in P8, just to name a few. I have an iPhone, however, GoS is goto phone, and has all the most important apps. My iPhone has weather apps, ig, uber, etc....