ZorroV999 If you don't require to sell your Pixel right away, I'd probably just get an iPhone and see if it's everything I hoped for while keeping the GOS Pixel close by for a few weeks. Maybe you won't miss the GOS features at all (for LibreTube you might figure out a workaround with Brave Browser, SponsorBlock or just watch on Desktop).
Since it wasn't mentioned before here's one more thing: iPhones are usually annoying to use with non-Apple devices because of some gate keeping (try accessing the files from a non-MacOS computer). If you want to fully embrace the journey, you probably want to save up some money for a Macbook, iPods, an Apple watch etc. (plus some extra money for software and apps to add features you'd get for free on any other OS, like proper window management). The more you buy into Apple, the harder it will be to leave if they do something contrary to your values or needs.
I wish you the best of luck with iOS and that Apple will never fuck this up for you. But honestly it's the same for us, we are depending on the GOS team to keep delivering awesome work and Google to keep making secure phones.