• General
  • Pixel 8 / 8 Pro releases available

There is a lot of clamor about face unlock, but isn’t that an entirely software-based solution? The only additional hardware on the 8 to enable this is the purported ML capabilities of the new SoC, but it still uses just a single camera. I think all the magic that would enable this as a secure unlock is locked up inside the official pixel OS and not AOSP. It doesn’t seem like something GOS could adopt.

That said, I’m armchair-speculating here and could be entirely wrong.

Hopefully there will be a clear statement on this at some point. But is it really the case that everything that exists in GOS must also be first in AOSP? I thought one or the other can complement GOS or make something of their own? Would be pitty if the hardware is limited by the software :-)

maverick what are you doing for gos to achieve face unlook more than writting it several times? I really hope you donate because time is money and money is time.

Don't worry, I am a donor and I will donate more and would donate even more for some feature requests and there is nothing wrong with writing something more than once if it is important to someone.

Yo, chill out on the "face unlock" thing. The devs will certainly implement it if it's possible to do so - they know everyone wants it.

The word is that face unlock on P8 series is AI-Based so who knows what that means.

PLEASE thank the devs for their hard work, getting stable A14 out to the GOS community in record time. On GOS, P8 series even supports DisplayPort! That is huge.

    I can't believe what I'm reading, how personal you are getting. As if I've done something bad now. You're really quite a good one. I also hope for you that you are a donor. Ok I'm out of here, wish you a nice day.

      @matchboxbananasynergy I guess you guys should proud you have users that now expect more or all features of GrapheneOS to match parity vs. stock. I was, and still am, just impressed you guys continue to get stuff A) Working as well as it does, and B) Your dev cycle turnouts are insanely fast.

      maverick you are correct. Sorry i had a really bad day in several ways. And I went to hard on you, sorry for letting you be the punching bag"/
      I hope i didnt destroyed your mood to much.

      Have a nice day

        I am happy about your answer. Thank you very much for that. I'm sorry your day was bad, I hope it will get better. Let's just get back to business :-)
        I also can't thank enough for the outstanding work of Daniel, all developers, forum/matrix admins/moderators. I'm excited to see where the journey is going with GOS and what else will come, of course there are more important issues than the one I mentioned :-)

          spiral They could just answer yes or no. Seeing how active the devs are on the forum elsewhere they are plainly just ignoring this specific question which drives more people to ask it.

            Comviq maverick

            THANK YOU BOTH!

            Please note that I do not speak for all of the forum users who are so relieved to see a conflict resolved so amicably. Or maybe I do.


            First time user of GOS and I’m already very excited. I downloaded the exp v2 a couple of days ago and everything has been working smoothly. Wondering what are the steps I have to take/if any in order to get the none exp version for the P8P. I am currently on the stable release, if that information is needed. Thank you to all the devs!

              First time user of GOS, was a bit of a coward, got my phone a while ago, but wanted to wait for the non experimental version of GOS.

              Glad to see this version is out and working well. Will download now (came from e/OS so look forward to seeing the differences) .

                KeenAmatuer I came from a year on eOS, a year ago... no turning back, GOS is amazing! Welcome :)

                First of all, let me echo @de0u's statement and thank the users here who got heated for resolving things amicably. I have removed a response from one participant in that as they themselves also now seem to realize it was out of line. Let's all remember that we're on the same side here!

                It seems a lot of people are interested in whether face unlock will be enabled/supported on 8th gen Pixels in the future. The answer that I can give y'all right now is "it has not been determined yet".

                7th gen Pixel face unlock was very insecure, and was therefore not included. 4th gen Pixel face unlock was very secure, due to having dedicated hardware to properly support the feature securely, and was therefore enabled/used by GrapheneOS.

                8th gen Pixels are somwhere inbetween, where it doesn't have the dedicated hardware, but Google seems confident that they have "software solved" the issue, essentially. The team isn't going to include just based on that alone, so it needs to be determined that it is something that's secure enough that it makes sense to include in the OS. Unlock methods not being secure is not a minor thing. That's why pattern unlock is not available in GrapheneOS, and why we made the choice to not support face unlock on 7th gen Pixels. For us to enable it, we'll need to feel confident that it is adequate. Your patience is very much appreciated while we decide. :)

                  matchboxbananasynergy If the official answer is the team can but is choosing not to based on making that decision on behalf of their userbase then I would like to request 'PIN Scramble' be made mandatory as there is no justification for allowing the End User the choice to be less secure.