Still an issue after latest stable update version 2022090600


I just made a lockscreen wallpaper for my Pixel 6 and noticed that it is zoomed in. I ended up making a template with a safe area so that I know what area I have to work with that will show.

I'd love to see this fixed so that I don't have to account for the zoom when setting a wallpaper, and can just work with the actual dimensions of the screen.

As would I, a little acknowledgement of the issue is all I'm hoping for, its definitely not a priority bug but still.

Developers are aware about this bug.
It does not seem to affect privacy or security in any way, but it is an annoyance for sure.
There are a lot of things on the to-do list of the project with a much higher priority.

Keep in mind that the project could also use more resources in order to be able to facilitate more requests like this.

Please consider donating. If everybody pitched in, the project would be able to have more full time developers working on all kinds of new features!

You can find out more information about donating to the project here:

Thank you!

    Hulk thanks for the response, developer acknowledgement/awareness of the issue is all I was hoping to get.

    3 months later

    Same issue for me with Muzei wallpaper app on my P6a with Android 13. Thanks to the developers for all their works.

    I believe this has been an issue for while. It's been present on my 4a for about two weeks now so I've set the black wallpaper for all my profile homescreens

    Yeah, this has been an issue for a while. I got a wallpaper to work after messing with the size ratio. Think I did something like 16:9? I forget.

    I saw someone say 2268x2640 is optimal but haven't tried it.

    20 days later

    I finally switched to PhotoPhaser (an old wallpaper app on F-droid, still excellent) and it works well on GrapheneOS.

      3 months later

      Zurkey if anyone is still having this issue, take the photo you want fixed, edit in the wallpaper app, then export with a width of 1344. Use that photo as your wallpaper.

      7 days later
      2 months later
      7 months later
      9 days later
      22 days later

      Bug still exists on Pixel 8 Pro.

      I know it's not a priority and that's totally OK with me - just wanted to give an update.

      This had never worked for me on work/second profile on Pixel 7 Pro since day one to now. Make me sad

      3 months later

      So has everyone just had jacked up wallpapers for the last couple years?

      I have tried multiple sizes in my P7Pro and no one size fits properly at secondary profiles

      3 months later

      Confirming the same issue on build 2024072800 (P7a)

      workaround is setting the same wallpaper in mainprofile.