• General
  • Thank you so much GrapheneOS team! We love you!

Dear Matchboxbananasynergy,

you are totally right and i fully agree! Your comment is very important. But in my case - despite being quite techy, using linux, administrating own servers with many web applications - my knowledge in Android and GrapheneOs is quite basic...therefore it might be better, that i shut my mouth for the time being instead of giving wrong advice....I will take my time to read and listen and learn before i start giving answers to questions of people in the community.....:-)


Good day.

Thought I'd take the opportunity and express my gratitude as well. I've been lurking for some time, envious of those who freed themselves already. Finally got around to getting a pixel, the 7a to be precise. Smooth sailing up until now, kudos to the developer team on supporting this new device within what, 2-3 days? The only thing I'm disappointed with is the fact that I had to go out of my way to gain ownership over "my" phone.

Thank you.

I have to say also as someone that has started on the regaining of privacy a few years ago one step at a time, and a new android user in the last year, and new to Graphene in last month, although there is a learning curve to swapping your "mainstream" apps for FOSS on your newly private phone, (even more so coming from iphone) - that Graphene is about as straight forward and slick for people just starting out.

This is in terms of the web installer, UI, support forum, thinking of basic users as well as advanced, all of it. It shows the people behind and involved in Graphene care.
I have had some experience with a fairly new to market privacy phone and OS and as much as I support it and use multiple other services from that company, the switch to using that OS as a daily driver was still too glitchy with connectivity and update issues. (for me)

Graphene was the best choice, and I believe would be for people that maybe are not tech savvy but willing to learn a bit, or have someone in their life to show them the ropes.

The biggest thing I think that Graphene helps with is making the compatibility issue as pain free as possible to get and keep people interested and continuing with their privacy quest.

Thank you to all,
from a new user in the great white north

THANK YOU doesn't even come close to it. I AM SO GRATEFUL for GOS! I have now installed GOS on 12 phones for family, friends and others. I focus on promoting GOS to others who are already awake as it's an easier conversion :) Only 7 Billion people to go :)

Dear friends,

i am delighted to see, that so many people show their respect. As a long time linux user i took it in the past for granted, that some people do the work we are taking advantage of...Over the years i changed my mind completely...And this especially in case of the GraphensOS devs...We are talking here about a small team of world class elite security reseachers and developers......They would have been easily able to just get super high paid jobs anywhere....but they decided to serve the global community because of real values, conviction and the will to contribute for humanity.....

And we are steadily complaining about small issues not working out immediately, hundreds of (personally wished) enhancements and other points..Everyone who ever got involved a bit in iT understands how complex, never ending broad and difficult this field is...Considering this i am absolutely amazed about the performance and speed of this team...I do not have more to say than just wow!!!

Cheers guys

I don't have a lot of money but I have been meaning to donate to the project, so tonight with this reminder I gave 50$ and I plan to give more in the future. Thank you for those working hard on this project. I feel that I have taken back control of my life from technological oppression. You guys are awesome!

2 months later

GrapheneLover if you happen to donate in crypto, please tell us here and bump up the thread.

And thanks for donating to GOS!

I gave 10€ two years ago when I discovered the project, if I was single and without children believe me I would have given much more but I made choices in life. Anyway, at the time I was on my oneplus 8 with LineageOS and I traded it in for a pixel 4a 5g. The guy must have thought he got a good deal... A few months ago I took a pixel 6a to be safe for 5 years. That's my story

I am using Grapheneos on a Pixel 7a since a few weeks. Thanks to the team for this greate work. I've donated twice and will do it again. Grapheneos is such a good OS. There is nothing comparable. Best wishes from Europe.

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