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  • Email providers with own push notifications

  • [deleted]

Can you please recommend me an email provider with their own push notification service? At the moment I am with Proton and of course they use FCM. People have been asking them, including me, for at least two years now to make their own implementation for people with de-googled phones, the reply was "yes, we will start working on it", with no eta. I would like to see if there are any options out there. Thanks.

    Currently, my workaround is to use protonmail as a PWA with notifications in vanadium. Not perfect or fast, but so far so good.
    My threatmodel is low so i do not mind using pwa's

      • [deleted]

      Duckduck can you please further explain, what do you mean "notifications in vanadium"? They are not classic notifications in the notification panel that you can dismiss, are they?


        As Mello says, Tutanota. Get the app from Github and your good to go!

        • [deleted]

        [deleted] Any good reason to not just install Google Play Services?

          • [deleted]

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          [deleted] yeah thanks, I already have it and trying it out. I also run sandboxed Google atm, but won't if I can avoid it, get me? Main reason is I would like to keep everything in one profile

            • [deleted]

            [deleted] I wouldn't use it too but as of now, it's still not realistic because a lot of things depend on Google Play Services.

            • [deleted]

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            csis01 In case of Proton mail that only works on desktop via proton bridge. There is currently no suitable substitution to their native app on Android or iOS.

              Duckduck As far as I know, push notifications from Vanadium only work via FCM so you'll need Google Play Services installed for that to work.

                [deleted] You sure about that?

                Seems a poor choice of implementation if that's the case.

                  csis01 ALL email providers can PUSH notifications. Its a feature of IMAP,

                  I use FairEmail and run my own IMAP server.

                  Mail notifications via IMAP IDLE are reliable and immediate. Battery use has not decreased noticeably at all.

                    • [deleted]

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                    ve3jlg I don't wish to and don't have time to run my own email server. I am premium Proton user but for the lack of notifications (as I said in my first post, without sandboxed Google Play), I am forced to run to Tutanota (thanks @[deleted]), which works great. I use Simple calendar pro (with local backup), so no Proton calendar. And I could use their VPN for free also (without secure core). So at the moment they are a bit of a letdown.

                    Hello SgtSurehand an all the others here in the thread,

                    I've never used google servives at all and I don't need my device to show emails immediately. So I really don't have experiences with these settings.

                    But, just for my understanding and maybe as a proposal for you, why don't you use for example any emailprovider together with FairEmail (K9-Mail) and allow FairEmail to notice you when new emails arrive?
                    I have just tested it: I changed the settings in FairEmail and allowed it noticing me when new emails arrive. I sent an email from my desktop computer to my email account on my pixel and ~ three seconds later my pixel beeped. Is this different to push notifications? Where are the advantages?


                      • [deleted]

                      malatoi From what you are saying it is clear to me that you have NOT tried to set up your third party client with service like Protonmail or Tutanota, or you would have found out it simply does NOT work. Because of how they work, you have to use a dedicated native app to access them. And Tutanota seems to have their own push notifications implemented while Protonmail doesn't and it's unclear when it will (creators of one of the most respected privacy software bundles seem to be perfectly happy with using FCM or they would have done something about it by now).

                        • [deleted]

                        posteo + k9mail